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AntCatBot edited the protonym Macabeemyrma (Macabeemyrma)
Edit summary: Blank forms and localities of protonyms above species rank, see GitHub #1243
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the protonym Gerontoformica (Gerontoformica)
Edit summary: Blank forms and localities of protonyms above species rank, see GitHub #1243
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292397 belonging to Cerapachys rufithorax (Parasyscia rufithorax)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292346 belonging to Eciton (Acamatus) punctaticeps (Neivamyrmex punctaticeps)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292345 belonging to Eciton (Acamatus) punctaticeps (Neivamyrmex punctaticeps)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292344 belonging to Eciton (Acamatus) punctaticeps (Neivamyrmex punctaticeps)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292343 belonging to Eciton (Acamatus) punctaticeps (Neivamyrmex punctaticeps)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292342 belonging to Eciton (Acamatus) punctaticeps (Neivamyrmex punctaticeps)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292333 belonging to Labidus pertii (Neivamyrmex pertii)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292332 belonging to Labidus pertii (Neivamyrmex pertii)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292331 belonging to Labidus pertii (Neivamyrmex pertii)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292293 belonging to Labidus harrissii (Neivamyrmex harrisii)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292291 belonging to Labidus halidaii (Neivamyrmex halidaii)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #292024 belonging to Dorylus orientalis (Dorylus orientalis)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291958 belonging to Pheidole idiota (Pheidole idiota)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291622 belonging to Formica tuberum (Temnothorax tuberum)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291618 [deleted] belonging to #157953 [deleted]
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291617 [deleted] belonging to #157953 [deleted]
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291460 belonging to Cerapachys (Syscia) biroi (Ooceraea biroi)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291459 belonging to Cerapachys (Syscia) biroi (Ooceraea biroi)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291458 belonging to Cerapachys (Syscia) biroi (Ooceraea biroi)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291152 belonging to Formica rubra (Myrmica rubra)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291151 belonging to Formica rubra (Myrmica rubra)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291150 belonging to Formica rubra (Myrmica rubra)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291072 belonging to Pseudomyrma elongata (Pseudomyrmex elongatus)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #291055 belonging to Ponera nitida (Leptogenys nitida)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #290869 belonging to Formica foetida (Forelius foetidus)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #290855 belonging to Formica castanea (Camponotus castaneus)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #290846 belonging to Formica badia (Pogonomyrmex badius)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #290845 belonging to Formica badia (Pogonomyrmex badius)
Edit summary: Convert tax tags in 'synonym of' history items to prott tags batch 4, see GitHub #1183
History uuid about 4 years ago