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Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Improved children page and more database scripts (AntCat 3.2.22) about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the genus Anomma
Edit summary: type notes per Dorylus (Anomma)
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Assign camponotus subgenera by script, see GitHub #833
about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the subgenus Camponotus (Phasmomyrmex)
Edit summary: remove space from type notes
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice "Type taxon now" links and database scripts (AntCat 3.2.21) about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron deleted the reference [missing reference] Zabelin, 1990 History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #271652 belonging to Tapinoma tauridis transcaucasica
Edit summary: fix before replacing missing ref
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron deleted the reference [missing reference] Zettell, 2006 History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #278681 [deleted] belonging to Ancylognathus
Edit summary: ref from type notes
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Downcase non-moden names, see GitHub #831
about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron deleted the species Phyracaces Sj
Edit summary: duplicate of
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Rehauled soft-validation system and more buttons (AntCat 3.2.20) about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the genus Palaeomyrmex
Edit summary: remove incomplete type_taxt so we can add validation for this
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the genus Pseudectatomma
Edit summary: type species per
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the genus Linepithema
Edit summary: type species per
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the species Pseudonotoncus hirsutus
Edit summary: moved headline to a history item
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the history item #278800 belonging to Pseudonotoncus hirsutus
Edit summary: moved from headline_notes_taxt
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the genus Myrmamblys
Edit summary: fix comma
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the subgenus Phasmomyrmex (Myrmorhachis)
Edit summary: fix comma
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Cleanup punctuation in type_taxt, see GitHub #823
about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Subspecies lists and automatically cleanup taxt items (AntCat 3.2.19) about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Assign subgenera and new database scripts (AntCat 3.2.18) about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference Testsson, 2000
Edit summary: test solr
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron deleted the reference [missing reference] Crawley, above, [no year] History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Editor notices, db scripts and soft-validate protonyms (AntCat 3.2.17) about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #277592 [deleted] belonging to Temnothorax atlantis
Edit summary: fix format
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #276485 [deleted] belonging to Camponotus polyrhachioides
Edit summary: fix format
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #278287 [deleted] belonging to Tapinoma madeirense
Edit summary: fix format
History about 5 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #277851 [deleted] belonging to Pheidole flavens
Edit summary: fix format
History about 5 years ago