References by Majer, J. D.
Majer, J. D. 1972. The ant mosaic in Ghana cocoa farms. Bulletin of Entomological Research 62:151-160.
Majer, J. D. 1976a. The maintenance of the ant mosaic in Ghana cocoa farms. Journal of Applied Ecology 13:123-144.
Majer, J. D. 1988. The Formicidae. Pp. 219-224 in: Specht, R. L. (ed.) 1988. Mediterranean-type ecosystems. A data source book. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, xii + 248 pp.
Majer, J. D.; Queiroz, M. V. B. 1993. Distribution and abundance of ants in a Brazilian subtropical coffee plantation. Papua New Guinea Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 36(2):29-35.
Majer, J. D. 1997. The use of pitfall traps for sampling ants - a critique. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 56:323-329. PDF
Agosti, D.; Majer, J.; Alonso, L.; Schultz, T. (eds.) 2000. Sampling ground-dwelling ants: case studies from the world's rain forests. Perth, Australia: Curtin University School of Environmental Biology (Bulletin No. 18), xii + 75 pp. PDF
Agosti, D.; Majer, J. D.; Alonso, L. E.; Schultz, T. R. (eds.) 2000. Ants. Standard methods for measuring and monitoring biodiversity. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, xix + 280 pp. PDF
Andersen, A. N.; Majer, J. D. 2000. The Australian rain forest ant fauna: a biogeographic overview. Pp. 51-58 in: Agosti, D.; Majer, J.; Alonso, L.; Schultz, T. (eds.) 2000. Sampling ground-dwelling ants: case studies from the world's rain forests. Perth, Australia: Curtin University School of Environmental Biology (Bulletin No. 18), xii + 75 pp. PDF
Protonyms originally described by author

Found no protonyms described by this author.

Published between 1972–2015
Taxon descriptions between
No. of references 34
No. of described taxa (including combinations)
No. of described taxa (valid, including combinations)
No. of described taxa (protonyms only)
Names belonging to author
Author name No. of references
Majer, J. D. 33
Majer, J. 1