This history item belongs to Ponerites Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835

Its current taxon owner(s) is Ponerinae, Ponerini

Show only for rank: Subfamily

Ponerinae as subfamily of Formicidae: Mayr, 1855: 289, 386 [Formicina, Poneridae]; Nylander, 1856b: 53 [Ponerineae]; Smith, 1857a: 64 [Poneridae]; Mayr, 1861: 21, 28 [Formicidae, Poneridae]; Mayr, 1862: 712 [Poneridae]; Smith, 1862b: 31 [Poneridae]; Mayr, 1865: 11 [Poneridae]; Mayr, 1868b: 24 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1870: 307 [Poneridae]; Dours, 1873: 167 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1874: 21, 62 [Formicariae, Poneridae]; Emery, 1875b: 467 [Poneridei]; Emery, 1877b: 70 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1878c: 366 [Poneridae]; Emery & Forel, 1879: 455 [Poneridae]; André, 1881c: 64 [Poneridae]; Emery, 1887f: 427 [Poneridae]; Nasonov, 1889: 27 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1890b: lxviii [Ponerides]; Forel, 1891c: 103 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1892k: 220 [Poneridae]; Dalla Torre, 1893: 13 [Ponerinae]; Forel, 1893b: 162 [Ponerinae]; Forel, 1893j: 353 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1895b: 111 [Poneridae]; Emery, 1895d: 261 [Ponerini]; Emery, 1895l: 766 [Ponerini]; Emery, 1896e: 176 [Ponerinae]; Mayr, 1897: 422 [Ponerini]; Forel, 1899b: 2 [Ponerinae]; Sharp, 1899: 170 [Ponerides]; Forel, 1900f: 303; Emery, 1901b: 36; Bingham, 1903: 23 [Ponerinae]; Ruzsky, 1905b: 174; Emery, 1909d: 355 [Ponerinae]; Forel, 1908a: 64 [Poneridae]; Santschi, 1910e: 648 [Ponerines]; Wheeler, 1910a: 134 [Ponerinae]; Emery, 1911e: 2 [Ponerinae]; Santschi, 1913h: 33 [Ponerinae]; Santschi, 1914b: 46 [Ponerinae]; Donisthorpe, 1915f: 65; Wheeler, 1915h: 805 [Ponerides]; Wheeler, 1915i: 25; Arnold, 1915: 9; Emery, 1916a: 94 [Ponerinae]; Escherich, 1917: 2 [Ponerini]; Forel, 1917: 235 [Ponerinae]; Bondroit, 1918: 78 [Poneritae]; Wheeler, 1920: 53 [Ponerinae]; Wheeler, 1922: 56, 640 [Ponerinae]; Borgmeier, 1923: 37; Karavaiev, 1934: 49; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 22; Clark, 1951: 15; Smith, 1951c: 782; Brown, 1954e: 24; Kempf, 1972b: 262; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1972a: 39; Brown, 1973b: 165; Baroni Urbani, 1984: 75; Bolton, 1995b: 14; Bolton, 2003: 42, 156; Ouellette et al., 2006: 365; Brady et al., 2006: 18173; Moreau et al., 2006: 102; Ward, 2007c: 555; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 46; Boudinot, 2015: 47.

{tax 430052} as subfamily of {tax 429011}: {ref 127185}: 289, 386 [{unmissing Formicina}, {unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 127565}: 53 [{unmissing Ponerineae}]; {ref 128683}: 64 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 127189}: 21, 28 [{tax 429011}, {unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 127190}: 712 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 128696}: 31 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 127193}: 11 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 127225}: 24 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 124987}: 307 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 124387}: 167 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 124988}: 21, 62 [{pro 154879}, {unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 124515}: 467 [{unmissing Poneridei}]; {ref 124518}: 70 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 125003}: 366 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 124778}: 455 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 122245}: 64 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 132998}: 427 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 127508}: 27 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 125020}: lxviii [{unmissing Ponerides}]; {ref 125030}: 103 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 125041}: 220 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 124002}: 13 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 125049}: 162 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 125057}: 353 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 125065}: 111 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 124591}: 261 [{tax 430053}]; {ref 124599}: 766 [{tax 430053}]; {ref 124609}: 176 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 127204}: 422 [{tax 430053}]; {ref 125089}: 2 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 128595}: 170 [{unmissing Ponerides}]; {ref 125101}: 303; {ref 124641}: 36; {ref 122766}: 23 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 128184}: 174; {ref 124691}: 355 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 125179}: 64 [{unmissing Poneridae}]; {ref 128253}: 648 [{unmissing Ponerines}]; {ref 130044}: 134 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 124702}: 2 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 128283}: 33 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 128285}: 46 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 124216}: 65; {ref 130095}: 805 [{unmissing Ponerides}]; {ref 130096}: 25; {ref 122309}: 9; {ref 124734}: 94 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 124797}: 2 [{tax 430053}]; {ref 124997}: 235 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 122872}: 78 [{unmissing Poneritae}]; {ref 129953}: 53 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 133015}: 56, 640 [{tax 430052}]; {ref 122895}: 37; {ref 126234}: 49; {ref 123583}: 22; {ref 123635}: 15; {ref 128824}: 782; {ref 123108}: 24; {ref 126357}: 262; {ref 129891}: 39; {ref 123216}: 165; {ref 122506}: 75; {ref 122860}: 14; {ref 130789}: 42, 156; {ref 131969}: 365; {ref 130828}: 18173; {ref 131881}: 102; {ref 132572}: 555; {ref 142616}: 46; {ref 142740}: 47.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2023-10-23
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Ponerinae Subfamily Valid
Ponerini Tribe Valid
Other history items belonging to Ponerites
#242798 Poneridae as family: Smith, 1851: 6 [Poneridae]; Smith, 1858a: 76 [Poneridae]; Smith, 1861b: 44 [Poneridae]; Smith, 1871a: 320 [Poneridae]; Taschenberg, 1880: 261, 264, 707 [Poneridae]; André, 1882b: 125, 227 [Poneridae]; White, 1884: 258 [Poneridae]; Cresson, 1887: 93 [Poneridae]; Emery, 1894h: 379 [Poneridae]; Saunders, 1896: 18 [Poneridae]; Ashmead, 1905c: 382 [Poneridae]; Novák & Sadil, 1941: 70 [Poneridae]; Bernard, 1951c: 1042 [Poneridae]; Bernard, 1953b: 185 [Poneridae].
#242799 Ponerini as tribe of Formicidae: André, 1874b: 170 [Poneridae].
#242805 Ponerini as tribe of Poneridae: Forel, 1895b: 111 [Poneri].
#242800 Ponerinae as subfamily of Poneridae: Ashmead, 1905c: 382 [Ponerinae].
#242806 Ponerini as tribe of Ponerinae: Forel, 1893b: 163 [Ponerii]; Emery, 1895d: 261 [Ponerii]; Emery, 1895l: 767 [Ponerii]; Forel, 1895b: 111 [Poneri]; Forel, 1899b: 2 [Ponerii]; Forel, 1900f: 303 [Ponerii]; Emery, 1901b: 36 [Ponerii]; Forel, 1901c: 6 [Ponerii]; Ruzsky, 1905b: 174 [Ponerii]; Ashmead, 1905c: 382 [Ponerini]; Forel, 1908a: 64 [Ponerii]; Emery, 1909d: 362 [Ponerii]; Wheeler, 1910a: 135 [Ponerii]; Emery, 1911e: 54; Santschi, 1914b: 46 [Ponerini]; Wheeler, 1915i: 27; Arnold, 1915: 36; Emery, 1916a: 104 [Ponerini]; Forel, 1917: 237; Gallardo, 1918c: 7; Wheeler, 1922: 638, 646 [Ponerini]; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 17; Kempf, 1972b: 262; Smith, 1979: 1339; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 78; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10; Brandão, 1991: 389; Bolton, 2003: 43, 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#242801 (selected) Ponerinae as subfamily of Formicidae: Mayr, 1855: 289, 386 [Formicina, Poneridae]; Nylander, 1856b: 53 [Ponerineae]; Smith, 1857a: 64 [Poneridae]; Mayr, 1861: 21, 28 [Formicidae, Poneridae]; Mayr, 1862: 712 [Poneridae]; Smith, 1862b: 31 [Poneridae]; Mayr, 1865: 11 [Poneridae]; Mayr, 1868b: 24 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1870: 307 [Poneridae]; Dours, 1873: 167 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1874: 21, 62 [Formicariae, Poneridae]; Emery, 1875b: 467 [Poneridei]; Emery, 1877b: 70 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1878c: 366 [Poneridae]; Emery & Forel, 1879: 455 [Poneridae]; André, 1881c: 64 [Poneridae]; Emery, 1887f: 427 [Poneridae]; Nasonov, 1889: 27 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1890b: lxviii [Ponerides]; Forel, 1891c: 103 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1892k: 220 [Poneridae]; Dalla Torre, 1893: 13 [Ponerinae]; Forel, 1893b: 162 [Ponerinae]; Forel, 1893j: 353 [Poneridae]; Forel, 1895b: 111 [Poneridae]; Emery, 1895d: 261 [Ponerini]; Emery, 1895l: 766 [Ponerini]; Emery, 1896e: 176 [Ponerinae]; Mayr, 1897: 422 [Ponerini]; Forel, 1899b: 2 [Ponerinae]; Sharp, 1899: 170 [Ponerides]; Forel, 1900f: 303; Emery, 1901b: 36; Bingham, 1903: 23 [Ponerinae]; Ruzsky, 1905b: 174; Emery, 1909d: 355 [Ponerinae]; Forel, 1908a: 64 [Poneridae]; Santschi, 1910e: 648 [Ponerines]; Wheeler, 1910a: 134 [Ponerinae]; Emery, 1911e: 2 [Ponerinae]; Santschi, 1913h: 33 [Ponerinae]; Santschi, 1914b: 46 [Ponerinae]; Donisthorpe, 1915f: 65; Wheeler, 1915h: 805 [Ponerides]; Wheeler, 1915i: 25; Arnold, 1915: 9; Emery, 1916a: 94 [Ponerinae]; Escherich, 1917: 2 [Ponerini]; Forel, 1917: 235 [Ponerinae]; Bondroit, 1918: 78 [Poneritae]; Wheeler, 1920: 53 [Ponerinae]; Wheeler, 1922: 56, 640 [Ponerinae]; Borgmeier, 1923: 37; Karavaiev, 1934: 49; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 22; Clark, 1951: 15; Smith, 1951c: 782; Brown, 1954e: 24; Kempf, 1972b: 262; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1972a: 39; Brown, 1973b: 165; Baroni Urbani, 1984: 75; Bolton, 1995b: 14; Bolton, 2003: 42, 156; Ouellette et al., 2006: 365; Brady et al., 2006: 18173; Moreau et al., 2006: 102; Ward, 2007c: 555; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 46; Boudinot, 2015: 47.
#312216 [Note: Ponerinae sensu Perkovsky, 2016: 115, is anachronistic, containing members of four poneroid subfamilies.]
#312217 Poneriti as subtribe of Ponerinae: Brandão, 1991: 389. Nomen nudum; proposed without diagnosis.
#312218 Ponerini as senior synonym of †Archiponerini: Bolton, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 9; Bolton, 2003: 43, 159; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312219 Ponerini as senior synonym of Centromyrmecini: Brown, 1953c: 9; Bolton, 1995b: 10; Bolton, 2003: 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312220 Ponerini as senior synonym of Dorylozelini: Taylor, 1969: 132; Bolton, 1995b: 11; Bolton, 2003: 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312221 Ponerini as senior synonym of Drepanognathini: Bolton, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 11; Bolton, 2003: 43, 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312222 Ponerini as senior synonym of Euponerini: Bolton, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 11; Bolton, 2003: 43, 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312223 Ponerini as senior synonym of Harpegnathini: Bolton, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 12; Bolton, 2003: 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312224 Ponerini as senior synonym of Leptogenyini: Emery, 1895d: 262 (footnote); Brown, 1963a: 3; Bolton, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 12; Bolton, 2003: 43, 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312225 Ponerini as senior synonym of Odontomachini: Bolton, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 14; Bolton, 2003: 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312226 Ponerini as senior synonym of Pachycondylini: Bolton, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 14; Bolton, 2003: 43, 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312227 Ponerini as senior synonym of Plectroctenini: Bolton, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 14; Bolton & Brown, 2002: 2; Bolton, 2003: 43, 158; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312228 Ponerini as senior synonym of Pseudoneoponerini: Bolton, 2003: 43, 159; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 52.
#312229 Ponerini as senior synonym of Thaumatomyrmecini: Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 53.