This history item belongs to Cardiocondyla nuda var. minutior Forel, 1899

Its current taxon owner(s) is Cardiocondyla minutior

Status as species: Heinze, 1999: 251; Seifert, 2003a: 283 (redescription); Ward, 2005: 65; Don, 2007: 85; Clouse, 2007b: 230; Terayama, 2009: 179; Branstetter & Sáenz, 2012: 257; Sarnat & Economo, 2012: 73; Ramage, 2014: 169; Wetterer, 2014b: 567; Bharti et al., 2016: 34; Wetterer et al., 2016: 10; Sharaf et al., 2017: 20; Deyrup, 2017: 56; Dekoninck et al., 2019: 1153; Lubertazzi, 2019: 97; Dias et al., 2020: 62; Sharaf et al., 2022: 41; Seifert, 2023a: 26 (redescription); Sharaf et al., 2023: 201; Herrera et al., 2024: 176; Sharaf et al., 2024: 1737.

Status as species: {ref 131455}: 251; {ref 132283}: 283 (redescription); {ref 132562}: 65; {ref 131140}: 85; {ref 130924}: 230; {ref 132431}: 179; {ref 142249}: 257; {ref 142254}: 73; {ref 142623}: 169; {ref 143646}: 567; {ref 142873}: 34; {ref 143331}: 10; {ref 143016}: 20; {ref 143305}: 56; {ref 143439}: 1153; {ref 143318}: 97; {ref 143815}: 62; {ref 144156}: 41; {ref 144102}: 26 (redescription); {ref 144288}: 201; {ref 144293}: 176; {ref 144403}: 1737.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2024-09-21
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Cardiocondyla minutior Species Valid
Cardiocondyla nuda minutior Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Cardiocondyla minutior Forel, 1899
Other history items belonging to Cardiocondyla nuda var. minutior
#249573 Wheeler, 1922n: 317 (q.); Heinze, 1999: 251 (polymorphic m.)
#249574 Subspecies of Cardiocondyla nuda: Forel, 1903f: 404; Forel, 1907d: 17; Wheeler, 1922n: 317; Emery, 1922c: 126; Wheeler, 1932a: 7; Wheeler, 1934i: 14; Wheeler, 1935g: 21; Smith, 1944a: 38 (redescription); Creighton, 1950a: 198; Smith, 1951c: 807; Smith, 1958c: 125; Smith, 1967a: 355.
#249576 Junior synonym of Cardiocondyla nuda: Wilson & Taylor, 1967b: 55; Smith, 1979: 1375; Bolton, 1995b: 132; Zhou, 2001a: 87; Lyu & Cho, 2003: 267 (error).
#249577 (selected) Status as species: Heinze, 1999: 251; Seifert, 2003a: 283 (redescription); Ward, 2005: 65; Don, 2007: 85; Clouse, 2007b: 230; Terayama, 2009: 179; Branstetter & Sáenz, 2012: 257; Sarnat & Economo, 2012: 73; Ramage, 2014: 169; Wetterer, 2014b: 567; Bharti et al., 2016: 34; Wetterer et al., 2016: 10; Sharaf et al., 2017: 20; Deyrup, 2017: 56; Dekoninck et al., 2019: 1153; Lubertazzi, 2019: 97; Dias et al., 2020: 62; Sharaf et al., 2022: 41; Seifert, 2023a: 26 (redescription); Sharaf et al., 2023: 201; Herrera et al., 2024: 176; Sharaf et al., 2024: 1737.
#307088 Senior synonym of Cardiocondyla breviscapa: Seifert, 2023a: 26.
#249578 Senior synonym of Cardiocondyla tsukuyomi: Seifert, 2003a: 283; Seifert, 2023a: 26.