This history item belongs to Cryptopone mayri var. fuscior Mann, 1919
Its current taxon owner(s) is Cryptopone fuscior
Status as species: Wheeler, 1933g: 8; Wheeler, 1935g: 12.
Status as species: {ref 130247}: 8; {ref 130265}: 12.
Cryptopone fuscior | Species |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone fusciceps Emery, 1900
Cryptopone mayri fuscior | Subspecies |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Cryptopone fuscior Mann, 1919
#252891 (selected) | Status as species: Wheeler, 1933g: 8; Wheeler, 1935g: 12. |
#252892 | Junior synonym of Cryptopone fusciceps: Wilson, 1958g: 358; Bolton, 1995b: 166. |