This history item belongs to Crematogaster voeltzkowi Forel, 1907
Its current taxon owner(s) is Crematogaster voeltzkowi
Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Wheeler, 1922: 1024.
Combination in {tax 508400}: {ref 133015}: 1024.
Crematogaster voeltzkowi | Species |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Crematogaster rasoherinae Forel, 1891
#289038 | Lectotype designation: Blaimer, 2012b: 38. |
#289036 | [Misspelled as woelzkowi by Santschi, 1918d: 182.] |
#252829 | Combination in Crematogaster (Neocrema): Santschi, 1918d: 182. |
#287167 (selected) | Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Wheeler, 1922: 1024. |
#287166 | Combination in Crematogaster (Orthocrema): Emery, 1922c: 131. |
#289037 | Status as species: Emery, 1922c: 131; Wheeler, 1922: 1024; Bolton, 1995b: 165. |
#252830 | Junior synonym of Crematogaster rasoherinae: Blaimer, 2012b: 38. |