This history item belongs to Crematogaster treubi Emery, 1896
Its current taxon owner(s) is Crematogaster treubi
Senior synonym of Crematogaster millardi: Hosoishi & Ogata, 2012: 25.
Senior synonym of {prott 161469}: {ref 133066}: 25.
Crematogaster treubi | Species | Valid |
#298075 | Lectotype designation: Hosoishi & Ogata, 2012: 25. |
#252765 | Combination in Crematogaster (Orthocrema): Emery, 1922c: 132. |
#298076 | Combination in Crematogaster (Acrocoelia): Santschi, 1928b: 34. |
#283748 | Combination in Crematogaster (Mesocrema): Santschi, 1937e: 310. |
#281283 | Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Blaimer, 2012c: 55. |
#298077 | Status as species: Emery, 1900: 689; Emery, 1901i: 567; Emery, 1922c: 132; Stärcke, 1930: 374; Menozzi, 1935a: 106; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 99; Bolton, 1995b: 164; Terayama, 2009: 178 (in key); Hosoishi & Ogata, 2012: 25 (redescription); Jaitrong et al., 2016: 36; Khachonpisitsak et al., 2020: 94; Wang et al., 2022: 78. |
#287618 (selected) | Senior synonym of Crematogaster millardi: Hosoishi & Ogata, 2012: 25. |
#252766 | Senior synonym of Crematogaster buddhae sic: Forel, 1911a: 25 (in text); Emery, 1922c: 132; Bolton, 1995b: 164. |
#288655 | Senior synonym of Crematogaster treubi vastatrix: Hosoishi & Ogata, 2012: 25. |