[Type-species not Cryptocerus umbraculatus Fabricius, 1804, unjustified subsequent designation by Emery, 1914b: 38, repeated by Emery, 1915g: 192; Emery, 1924f: 305.]
Cryptocerus in Formicaires: Latreille, 1803: 311.
Cryptocerus in Formicariae: Latreille, 1804: 179; Latreille, 1809: 132; Latreille, 1810: 312.
Cryptocerus in Formicarides: Leach, 1815: 147.
Cryptocerus in Myrmicites: Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835: 170.
Cryptocerus in Myrmicidae, Cryptoceridae: Smith, 1853: 214; Emery, 1877b: 81.
Cryptocerus in Formicidae, Cryptoceridae: Smith, 1858a: 187; Smith, 1862d: 408; Smith, 1876d: 605.
Cryptocerus in Cryptoceridae, Cryptocerinae: Ashmead, 1905c: 384.
Cryptocerus in Myrmicinae: Mayr, 1862: 757 [Myrmicidae]; Mayr, 1865: 25 [Myrmicidae]; Mayr, 1866b: 907 [Myrmicidae]; Dalla Torre, 1893: 140 [Myrmicinae].
Cryptocerus in Myrmicinae, Cryptocerini: Forel, 1892d: 345; Forel, 1893b: 164; Forel, 1895b: 133; Emery, 1895l: 771; Emery, 1896e: 180; Forel, 1899b: 48; Wheeler, 1910a: 141; Emery, 1914e: 42; Forel, 1917: 246; Wheeler, 1922: 665; Emery, 1924f: 305; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1976b: 59.
Cryptocerus as genus: Fabricius, 1804: 420; Latreille, 1804: 179; Leach, 1815: 147; Latreille, 1817c: 526; Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835: 170; Smith, 1853: 214; Smith, 1858a: 187; Mayr, 1862: 757; Smith, 1862d: 408; Mayr, 1863a: 405; Roger, 1863b: 38; Mayr, 1865: 25; Mayr, 1866b: 907; Smith, 1876d: 605; Emery, 1877b: 81; Forel, 1892d: 345; Dalla Torre, 1893: 140; Forel, 1893b: 164; Emery, 1895l: 771; Forel, 1895b: 133; Emery, 1896e: 180; Forel, 1899b: 48; Ashmead, 1905c: 384; Wheeler, 1910a: 141; Wheeler, 1913a: 78; Emery, 1914e: 42; Emery, 1914b: 39; Forel, 1917: 246; Wheeler, 1922: 665; Emery, 1924f: 305; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1976b: 59.
Cryptocerus as junior synonym of Cephalotes: Wheeler, 1913a: 78; Donisthorpe, 1943g: 635; Donisthorpe, 1944b: 59; Smith, 1949c: 19; Kempf, 1951: 105; subsequent authors; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 13; Bolton, 1995b: 25; De Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999: 59; Bolton, 2003: 194.
[Note: it is not known why Latreille changed the name of the genus from Cephalotes to Cryptocerus, when there was no reason for him to do so. Latreille, 1816: 496, mentions the change, and Latreille, 1817c: 526, merely comments, “J’avois désigné ce genre dans le troisième volume de mon Histoire générale des Insectes, sous le nom de céphalote (Cephalotes Latreille, 1802b) que j’ai ensuite changé en celui de cryptocère” (Cryptocerus Latreille, 1803). Cephalotes and Cryptocerus therefore share the same type-species, and synonymy is absolute.]
[Cryptocephalus: incorrect subsequent spelling of Cryptocerus by Lowne, 1865b: 336, in the combination Cryptocephalus pubescens; current combination Meranoplus pubescens Smith, 1853 (Bolton, 1981a: 47).]