67,342 result(s)
ID Pos. Item type Protonym / Terminal taxa Rank Status Taxt
#252458 4
Myrmica rediana
Crematogaster rediana
species synonym Junior synonym of Crematogaster scutellaris: Mayr, 1855: 469; Nylander, 1856b: 100; Smith, 1858a: 135; Mayr, 1861: 72 (in key); Mayr, 1863a: 405; Roger, 1863b: 36; André, 1874c: 204 (in list); Forel, 1874: 100 (in list); Emery & Forel, 1879: 464; Emery, 1891c: 13; Dalla Torre, 1893: 85; Ruzsky, 1905b: 488; Emery, 1922c: 143; Fromantin & Soulié, 1961: 95; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 79; Bolton, 1995b: 161; Borowiec & Salata, 2025a: 154.
#252462 1
Crematogaster resulcata
Crematogaster resulcata
species valid Replacement name for Crematogaster subsulcata Santschi, 1932b. [Junior primary homonym of Crematogaster chiarinii subsulcata Santschi, 1914a.]
#252464 1
Crematogaster (Acrocoelia) retifera
Crematogaster retifera
species valid Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Bolton, 1995b: 166; Blaimer, 2012c: 55.
#252465 1
Crematogaster (Atopogyne) wellmani st. retusa
Crematogaster wellmani retusa
subspecies synonym Combination in Crematogaster (Acrocoelia): Emery, 1922c: 149.
#252466 2
Crematogaster (Atopogyne) wellmani st. retusa
Crematogaster wellmani retusa
subspecies synonym Combination in Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema): Santschi, 1926b: 219.
#252469 4
Crematogaster (Atopogyne) wellmani st. retusa
Crematogaster wellmani retusa
subspecies synonym Junior synonym of Crematogaster wellmani: Bolton, 1995b: 161.
#252470 1
Crematogaster bulawayensis var. rhodesiana
Crematogaster delagoensis rhodesiana
subspecies valid [First available use of Crematogaster inermis delagoensis rhodesiana Forel, 1913a; unavailable (infrasubspecific) name.]
#252471 2
Crematogaster bulawayensis var. rhodesiana
Crematogaster delagoensis rhodesiana
subspecies valid Combination in Crematogaster (Atopogyne): Wheeler, 1922: 854.
#252472 4
Crematogaster bulawayensis var. rhodesiana
Crematogaster delagoensis rhodesiana
subspecies valid Subspecies of Crematogaster bulawayensis: Arnold, 1920a: 523; Wheeler, 1922: 854.
#252473 5
Crematogaster bulawayensis var. rhodesiana
Crematogaster delagoensis rhodesiana
subspecies valid Subspecies of Crematogaster delagoensis: Emery, 1922c: 146; Bolton, 1995b: 161.
#252474 1
Crematogaster rivai
Crematogaster rivai
species valid Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Wheeler, 1922: 843.
#252476 1
Crematogaster robusta
Crematogaster aegyptiaca robusta
subspecies valid Emery, 1915e: 10 (w.)
#252477 2
Crematogaster robusta
Crematogaster aegyptiaca robusta
subspecies valid Combination in Crematogaster (Acrocoelia): Emery, 1922c: 144
#252478 5
Crematogaster robusta
Crematogaster aegyptiaca robusta
subspecies valid Subspecies of Crematogaster aegyptiaca: Bolton, 1995b: 161; Madl, 2019: 15.
#252479 2
Crematogaster rochai
Crematogaster rochai
species valid [Also described as new by Forel, 1908a: 67.]
#252480 3
Crematogaster rochai
Crematogaster rochai
species valid Combination in Crematogaster (Orthocrema): Emery, 1922c: 134; Blaimer, 2012c: 55.
#252481 4
Crematogaster rochai
Crematogaster rochai
species valid Subspecies of Crematogaster brevispinosa: Forel, 1912g: 213; Mann, 1916: 443; Santschi, 1919f: 41; Emery, 1922c: 134; Borgmeier, 1927c: 93; Gallardo, 1934b: 21; Kempf, 1972b: 86; Bolton, 1995b: 161; Wild, 2007b: 52.
#252482 5
Crematogaster rochai
Crematogaster rochai
species valid Status as species: Forel, 1908: 366; Forel, 1911e: 301; Luederwaldt, 1918: 42; Longino, 2003a: 102 (redescription); Wild, 2007b: 32, 52; Branstetter & Sáenz, 2012: 258; Bezděčková et al., 2015: 117; Morgan & Mackay, 2017: 351 (redescription); Pedraza & Fernández, 2019: 896.
#252483 1
Crematogaster sordidula r. rogans
Crematogaster queenslandica rogans
subspecies valid Combination in Crematogaster (Orthocrema): Emery, 1922c: 133.
#252484 4
Crematogaster sordidula r. rogans
Crematogaster queenslandica rogans
subspecies valid Subspecies of Crematogaster queenslandica froggatti: Santschi, 1929f: 90.
#252485 5
Crematogaster sordidula r. rogans
Crematogaster queenslandica rogans
subspecies valid Subspecies of Crematogaster queenslandica: Emery, 1914a: 185; Emery, 1922c: 133; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 63; Taylor, 1987a: 23; Bolton, 1995b: 161.
#252486 1
Crematogaster rogenhoferi
Crematogaster rogenhoferi
species valid Forel, 1913g: 194 (q.m.).
#252487 2
Crematogaster rogenhoferi
Crematogaster rogenhoferi
species valid Combination in Crematogaster (Acrocoelia): Emery, 1922c: 150.
#252488 4
Crematogaster rogenhoferi
Crematogaster rogenhoferi
species valid Subspecies of Crematogaster dohrni: Emery, 1922c: 150; Crawley, 1924a: 395; Wheeler, 1924c: 246; Wheeler, 1927b: 45; Menozzi, 1935a: 116; Wheeler, 1937a: 23; Santschi, 1937h: 372; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 90; Baltazar, 1966: 249; Mathew & Tiwari, 2000: 326.
#252489 5
Crematogaster rogenhoferi
Crematogaster rogenhoferi
species valid Status as species: Emery, 1889: 506; Dalla Torre, 1893: 85; Emery, 1895m: 467; Forel, 1903a: 682; Rothney, 1903: 98; Bingham, 1903: 141; Forel, 1903f: 406; Forel, 1906b: 89; Forel, 1907d: 23; Forel, 1907h: 17; Wheeler, 1909d: 336; Yano, 1910a: 420; Forel, 1910d: 124; Forel, 1912o: 57; Forel, 1913f: 662; Forel, 1913g: 194; Wheeler, 1913f: 236; Viehmeyer, 1916a: 122; Wheeler, 1921c: 535; Wheeler, 1929h: 60; Wheeler, 1930k: 66; Mukerjee, 1934: 5; Menozzi, 1939a: 302 (in key); Teranishi, 1940: 58, 67; Bolton, 1995b: 161; Wu & Wang, 1995a: 67; Tiwari, 1999: 43; Zhou, 2001a: 77; Zhang & Zheng, 2002: 219; Lin & Wu, 2003: 62; Jaitrong & Nabhitabhata, 2005: 19; Zhou, 2006: 582; Terayama, 2009: 177; Mohanraj et al., 2010: 6; Pfeiffer et al., 2011: 46; Guénard & Dunn, 2012: 42; Bharti et al., 2016: 36; Jaitrong et al., 2016: 36; Dias et al., 2020: 72; Khachonpisitsak et al., 2020: 92; Wang et al., 2022: 77.
#252491 1
Crematogaster (Acrocoelia) rogeri
Crematogaster rogeri
species valid Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Bolton, 1995b: 166; Blaimer, 2012c: 55.
#252492 2
Crematogaster rothneyi
Crematogaster rothneyi
species valid [Crematogaster rothneyi Smith, 1873: viii. Nomen nudum (attributed to Mayr).]
#252493 4
Crematogaster rothneyi
Crematogaster rothneyi
species valid Imai et al., 1984: 6 (k.)
#252494 5
Crematogaster rothneyi
Crematogaster rothneyi
species valid Combination in Crematogaster (Acrocoelia): Emery, 1922c: 151.
#252496 1
Crematogaster quadriformis r. roveretoi
Crematogaster quadriformis roveretoi
subspecies valid Santschi, 1929d: 292 (q.m.)

Note that "taxts" in reference sections and history items contain references to other records (that is, not their content), meaning that searching for Condylodon will not show any results while searching for the taxon's ID will.