67,348 result(s)
ID Pos. Item type Protonym / Terminal taxa Rank Status Taxt
#253457 5
Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea) ghilianii
Dolichoderus ghilianii
species valid Status as species: Forel, 1895b: 142; Emery, 1913a: 12; Mann, 1916: 465 (redescription); Borgmeier, 1923: 85; Kempf, 1969: 293; Kempf, 1972b: 119; MacKay, 1993b: 58 (redescription); Shattuck, 1994: 53; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Ortiz & Fernández, 2011: 72; Bezděčková et al., 2015: 108; Guerrero, 2019: 700.
#253458 3
Dolichoderus gibbifer
Dolichoderus gibbifer
species valid Combination in Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea): Emery, 1894d: 229
#253459 5
Dolichoderus gibbifer
Dolichoderus gibbifer
species valid Senior synonym of Dolichoderus gibbifer gibbosior: Dill, 2002: 45
#253460 2
Dolichoderus gibbifer var. gibbosior
Dolichoderus gibbifer gibbosior
subspecies synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus gibbifer: Dill, 2002: 45
#253461 3
Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea) gibbosus var. gibbosoanalis
Dolichoderus gibbosus gibbosoanalis
subspecies synonym Subspecies of Dolichoderus quadridenticulatus: Shattuck, 1992c: 77
#253462 4
Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea) gibbosus var. gibbosoanalis
Dolichoderus gibbosus gibbosoanalis
subspecies synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus quadridenticulatus: MacKay, 1993b: 86; Shattuck, 1994: 62; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Ortiz & Fernández, 2011: 52.
#253463 1
Formica gibbosa
Dolichoderus gibbosus
species homonym [Junior primary homonym of Aphaenogaster gibbosa Latreille, 1798.]
#253464 2
Formica gibbosa
Dolichoderus gibbosus
species homonym Combination in Dolichoderus: Mayr, 1886c: 354.
#253465 6
Formica gibbosa
Dolichoderus gibbosus
species homonym [Note: Dolichoderus quadridenticulatus Roger, 1862c junior synonym of Dolichoderus gibbosus Smith, 1858a (synonymy by Mayr, 1886c: 354; Emery, 1894d: 235); hence Dolichoderus quadridenticulatus Roger, 1862c first available replacement name (Bolton, 1995b: 174).]
#253467 3
Formica (Tapinoma) gibba
Dolichoderus gibbus
species valid Combination in Dolichoderus: Emery, 1893m: 159.
#253468 2
Hypoclinea gracilipes
Dolichoderus taprobanae gracilipes
subspecies valid Combination in Dolichoderus: Dalla Torre, 1893: 159.
#253469 5
Hypoclinea gracilipes
Dolichoderus taprobanae gracilipes
subspecies valid Junior synonym of Dolichoderus taprobanae: Xu, 1995a: 35.
#253471 6
Hypoclinea gracilipes
Dolichoderus taprobanae gracilipes
subspecies valid Subspecies of Dolichoderus taprobanae: Forel, 1895f: 466; Bingham, in Rothney, 1903: 99; Bingham, 1903: 296; Forel, 1912o: 61; Emery, 1913a: 14; Forel, 1913l: 90; Wheeler, 1930k: 71; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 185; Shattuck, 1994: 68; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Dill, 2002: 64; Bharti et al., 2016: 19; Dias et al., 2020: 17.
#253472 3
Hypoclinea gracilis
Dolichoderus gracilis
species synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus taprobanae: Emery, 1913a: 14; Wheeler, 1919f: 99; Shattuck, 1994: 68; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Zhou, 2001a: 156; Dill, 2002: 63.
#253473 2
Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea) grandii
Dolichoderus grandii
species synonym Combination in Hypoclinea: Kempf, 1972b: 120.
#253474 5
Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea) grandii
Dolichoderus grandii
species synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus mesonotalis: MacKay, 1993b: 77; Shattuck, 1994: 58; Bolton, 1995b: 174.
#253475 1
Hypoclinea haueri
Emplastus haueri
species valid Combination in Iridomyrmex: Emery, 1893m: 169; Shattuck, 1992a: 15 (provisional).
#253477 2
Dolichoderus imbecillus var. heterogaster
Dolichoderus imbecillus heterogaster
subspecies synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus attelaboides: MacKay, 1993b: 35; Shattuck, 1994: 42; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Ortiz & Fernández, 2011: 44.
#253478 3
Dolichoderus (Dolichoderus) imbecillus
Dolichoderus imbecillus
species synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus attelaboides: MacKay, 1993b: 35; Shattuck, 1994: 42; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Ortiz & Fernández, 2011: 44.
#253479 2
Dolichoderus (Dolichoderus) imitator
Dolichoderus imitator
species valid Status as species: Forel, 1895b: 142; Emery, 1913a: 9; Mann, 1916: 460; Borgmeier, 1923: 81; Kempf, 1969: 291; Kempf, 1972b: 98; MacKay, 1993b: 61 (redescription); Shattuck, 1994: 54; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Ortiz & Fernández, 2011: 78; Bezděčková et al., 2015: 108; Guerrero, 2019: 700.
#253480 1
Dolichoderus indrapurensis
Dolichoderus indrapurensis
species valid Combination in Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea): Forel, 1913l: 90.
#253482 1
Dolichoderus bidens var. inferior
Dolichoderus bidens inferior
subspecies synonym Combination in Hypoclinea: Kempf, 1972b: 119.
#253483 4
Dolichoderus bidens var. inferior
Dolichoderus bidens inferior
subspecies synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus ferrugineus: MacKay, 1993b: 56; Shattuck, 1994: 52; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Ortiz & Fernández, 2011: 51.
#253484 3
Formica ingruens
Dolichoderus ingruens
species synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus taprobanae: Donisthorpe, 1932b: 575; Shattuck, 1994: 68; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Zhou, 2001a: 156; Dill, 2002: 63.
#253485 2
Dolichoderus plagiatus var. inornatus
Dolichoderus plagiatus inornatus
subspecies synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus plagiatus: Creighton, 1950a: 335; Smith, 1958c: 139; Smith, 1979: 1416; MacKay, 1993b: 82; Shattuck, 1994: 61; Bolton, 1995b: 174.
#253486 1
Monacis inpai
Dolichoderus inpai
species valid Combination in Dolichoderus: Shattuck, 1992c: 77
#253487 2
Monacis inpai
Dolichoderus inpai
species valid Status as species: Brandão, 1991: 356; MacKay, 1993b: 64; Shattuck, 1994: 54; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Ortiz & Fernández, 2011: 63; Guerrero, 2019: 700.
#253488 1
Dolichoderus gibbosus var. integra
Dolichoderus gibbosus integra
subspecies synonym Combination in Hypoclinea: Kempf, 1972b: 120.
#253489 4
Dolichoderus gibbosus var. integra
Dolichoderus gibbosus integra
subspecies synonym Subspecies of Dolichoderus quadridenticulatus: Shattuck, 1992c: 77
#253490 5
Dolichoderus gibbosus var. integra
Dolichoderus gibbosus integra
subspecies synonym Junior synonym of Dolichoderus quadridenticulatus: MacKay, 1993b: 86; Shattuck, 1994: 62; Bolton, 1995b: 174; Ortiz & Fernández, 2011: 52.

Note that "taxts" in reference sections and history items contain references to other records (that is, not their content), meaning that searching for Condylodon will not show any results while searching for the taxon's ID will.