ID | Pos. | Item type | Protonym / Terminal taxa | Rank | Status | Taxt |
#278469 | 2 |
Polyrhachis strigata
Holcoponera strigata |
species | valid | [Misspelled as strigosum by Emery, 1896g: 44.] |
#278486 | 2 |
Aphaenogaster semipolita var. ionia
Aphaenogaster ionia |
species | synonym | [Misspelled as jonia by Emery, 1921c: 63.] |
#278611 | 1 |
Bothriomyrmex adriacus subsp. ionius
Bothriomyrmex adriacus ionius |
subspecies | synonym | [Misspelled as jonius by Finzi, 1928c: 790.] |
#278624 | 1 |
Pseudomyrma triplaridis
Pseudomyrmex triplaridis |
species | valid | [Misspelled as triplarides by Luederwaldt, 1918: 46.] |
#278637 | 2 |
Formica (Coptoformica) longiceps
Formica longiceps |
species | valid | [Misspelled as longipes by Radchenko, 1994b: 112, 113 (in key).] |
#278665 | 1 |
Monomorium minutum
Monomorium minutum |
species | homonym | [Misspelled as monutum by Santschi, 1926b: 238.] |
#278682 | 1 |
Myrmica minuta subsp. iskanderi
Myrmica minuta iskanderi |
subspecies | synonym | [Misspelled as iscanderi by Radchenko, 1994h: 73.] |
#279012 | 2 |
Monomorium rubriceps var. rubra
Chelaner rubriceps rubra |
subspecies | synonym | [Misspelled as ruba by Clark, 1938: 368.] |
#279017 | 3 |
Formica (Serviformica) picea var. implana
Formica picea implana |
subspecies | synonym | [Misspelled as inplanata by Tarbinsky, 1976: 183.] |
#279028 | 1 |
Messor barbarus var. gallaoides
Messor barbarus gallaoides |
subspecies | valid | [Misspelled as galloides by Cagniant, 1970a: 416.] |
#279030 | 2 |
Monomorium salomonis var. opacior
Monomorium opacior |
species | valid | [Misspelled as opacius by Wheeler, 1922: 871; Ettershank, 1966: 91.] |
#279075 | 1 |
Formica sylvatica
Camponotus sylvaticus |
species | valid | [Misspelled as silvaticus by Dalla Torre, 1893: 252; Emery, 1896j: 371; Ruzsky, 1905b: 205, and others.] |
#279095 | 1 |
Myrmica caeca
Liomyrmex caeca |
species | homonym | [Misspelled as coecus by Emery, 1922c: 191.] |
#279128 | 2 |
†Sicelomyrmex |
genus | valid | [Note: the emendation of spelling to †Sicilomyrmex proposed by Brown & Carpenter, 1979: 423, may be unnecessary. In various publications Wheeler uses both †Sicelomyrmex and †Sicilomyrmex, with the former being the original, and also the one he used in his Wheeler, 1929a review of the group. It may be that the genus was originally named for the Sicels (one of the original tribes of Sicily), rather than after the island itself. In consequence the maintenance of the original orthography is recommended here.] |
#279133 | 1 |
Acrocoelia schmidti
Crematogaster schmidti |
species | valid | [Misspelled as schmitti by Wheeler & Mann, 1916: 170.] |
#279142 | 1 |
Chalepoxenus |
genus | synonym | [Note: name of type-species was initially misspelled gridoboi, p. 257; correct spelling as gribodoi, p. 258.] |
#279203 | 1 |
Formica coarctata
Ponera coarctata |
species | valid | [Misspelled as coarcta by Gösswald, 1932: 66.] |
#279250 | 4 |
Pheidole indica r. rotschana
Pheidole indica rotschana |
subspecies | synonym | [Misspelled as rotchana by Forel, 1911c: 222.] |
#279259 | 1 |
Pheidole longiscapa r. martensis var. scabrocciput
Pheidole longiscapa martensis scabrocciput |
infrasubspecies | unavailable | [Misspelled as scabroccipitut by Wilson, 2003a: 205.] |
#279266 | 2 |
Formica caespitum
Tetramorium caespitum |
species | valid | [Misspelled as caespitosa by Emery, 1924f: 276 (misspelling incorrectly attributed to Walckenaer, 1802: 166).] |
#279277 | 2 |
Myrmica ruginodis
Myrmica ruginodis |
species | valid | [Misspelled as ruginodes by Betrem, 1926: 216, caption of fig. 6.] |
#279360 | 2 |
Myrmica rugosa subsp. dshungarica
Myrmica dshungarica |
species | valid | [Misspelled as dschungarica by Tarbinsky, 1976: 29.] |
#279384 | 1 |
Pheidole nodus
Pheidole nodus |
species | valid | [Misspelled as nodns by Teranishi, 1940: 47.] |
#279402 | 1 |
Atta colombica
Atta colombica |
species | valid | [Misspelled as columbica by Roger, 1863b: 35; Mayr, 1865: 81; Forel, 1885a: 362; Emery, 1890c: 55; Dalla Torre, 1893: 152; Forel, 1899b: 33; Forel, 1912f: 179; Emery, 1913c: 259; Wheeler, 1923d: 5; Emery, 1924f: 353; Menozzi, 1927c: 268; Santschi, 1929f: 92; Weber, 1938b: 205; Borgmeier, 1939: 422; Bolton, 1995b: 75, and others.] |
#279442 | 1 |
Oecodoma laevigata
Atta laevigata |
species | valid | [Misspelled as levigata by Roger, 1863b: 35; Dalla Torre, 1893: 153, and others.] |
#279472 | 1 |
Myrmica recedens
Temnothorax recedens |
species | valid | [Misspelled as recendes by Menozzi, 1925d: 33.] |
#279485 | 1 |
Solenopsis picquarti
Xenomyrmex picquarti |
species | valid | [Misspelled as picquardi by Emery, 1922c: 200.] |
#279523 | 3 |
Camponotus niveosetosus r. madagascarensis
Camponotus madagascarensis |
species | valid | [Misspelled as madagascariensis by Forel, 1891c: 42; Emery, 1925d: 129, and others.] |
#279545 | 1 |
Gauromyrmex bengkalisi
Gauromyrmex bengkalisi |
species | valid | [Misspelled as bangakalisi by Chapman & Capco, 1951: 161.] |
#279562 | 2 |
Polyrhachis vicina
Polyrhachis vicina |
species | synonym | [Misspelled as ircina by Chapman & Capco, 1951: 292.] |
Note that "taxts" in reference sections and history items contain references to other records (that is, not their content), meaning that searching for Condylodon will not show any results while searching for the taxon's ID will.