We have these ranks on AntCat: Family, Subfamily, Tribe, Genus, Subgenus, Species and Subspecies
For name records we also have SubtribeName
I have nothing in particular in mind for these, but I created this issue to collect them for the future.
Protonyms is a different story. For example, we have Dorylida - "Dorylinae as family: Leach, 1815: 147 [Dorylida (family-group name)"
Taxon.joins(:name).where(names: { type: 'SubtribeName' }).each do |t| puts "* {tax #{t.id}} - #{t.type}" end; nil
Taxon.where.not(type: ['Species', 'Subspecies']).where('name_cache LIKE ?', "%cina").each do |t| puts "* {tax #{t.id}} - #{t.type}" end; nil
Taxon.where.not(type: ['Species', 'Subspecies']).where('name_cache LIKE ?', "%ina").each do |t| puts "* {tax #{t.id}} - #{t.type}" end; nil
Taxon.where.not(type: ['Species', 'Subspecies']).where('name_cache LIKE ?', "%titi").each do |t| puts "* {tax #{t.id}} - #{t.type}" end; nil
Fredrik Palmkron commented over 5 years ago: show rawClosing as OK for now (see https://github.com/calacademy-research/antcat/issues/666)
Closing as OK for now (see https://github.com/calacademy-research/antcat/issues/666)