Closed issue: Unbalanced parentheses, braces and brackets
Added by Fredrik Palmkron almost 5 years ago — Closed by Fredrik Palmkron

Update: added as History items with unbalanced parentheses, braces, brackets or double quotes. taxt-hist

Rerun no. 3

Unbalanced parentheses

Unbalanced curly braces

Unbalanced square brackets

Batch 1 -- done

Unbalanced parentheses

Unbalanced curly braces

Unbalanced square brackets


def puts_links(history_items, heading)
  puts "**Unbalanced #{heading}**\n\n"

  history_items.each do |history_item|
    puts "*{}\n"
  puts "\n\n\n"

puts_links TaxonHistoryItem.where(!!~SQL), "parentheses"
  CHAR_LENGTH(taxt) - CHAR_LENGTH( REPLACE ( taxt, '(', '') ) !=
  CHAR_LENGTH(taxt) - CHAR_LENGTH( REPLACE ( taxt, ')', '') )

puts_links TaxonHistoryItem.where(!!~SQL), "curly braces"
  CHAR_LENGTH(taxt) - CHAR_LENGTH( REPLACE ( taxt, '{', '') ) !=
  CHAR_LENGTH(taxt) - CHAR_LENGTH( REPLACE ( taxt, '}', '') )

puts_links TaxonHistoryItem.where(!!~SQL), "square brackets"
  CHAR_LENGTH(taxt) - CHAR_LENGTH( REPLACE ( taxt, ']', '') ) !=
  CHAR_LENGTH(taxt) - CHAR_LENGTH( REPLACE ( taxt, '[', '') )

Brian Fisher commented almost 5 years ago:

@Fredrik Palmkron
I fixed these but rerun the script to see if I missed any.

Fredrik Palmkron commented almost 5 years ago:

@Brian Fisher Results of the rerun:

Unbalanced parentheses

Unbalanced curly braces

Unbalanced square brackets

Brian Fisher commented almost 5 years ago:

@Fredrik Palmkron lets see if I got them all this time.

Fredrik Palmkron commented over 4 years ago:

Re-opened with a new batch.

Brian Fisher commented over 4 years ago:

@Fredrik Palmkron Batch 3 finished