Warning! Another not very fun task, but we must do it at some point.
Database script: Error: Could not find database script with class name 'QuadrinomialsToBeConverted'
Records in the above database scripts are actually Subspecies
records. To be compatible with the rest of the system, we need to convert them to Infrasubspecies
records - this can only be done by script, and the script can only convert them if there is a Subspecies
record with the target name.
Once such a subspecies exists, the entry will show a "Yes" in the "Convertable?", which makes it possible to fix it by script.
If you notice any pattern for groups of record, please let me know and we can see if we can create missing subspecies by script.
Fredrik Palmkron commented over 4 years ago: show rawClosing as done. I will convert the last batch. Great job @user104 :)
Closing as done. I will convert the last batch.
Great job @Bradley Reynolds :)
Bradley Reynolds commented over 4 years ago: show raw@user60 Thanks, Fredrik! Glad those are out of the way. Thanks for the work on your side too...
@Fredrik Palmkron Thanks, Fredrik! Glad those are out of the way. Thanks for the work on your side too...
Fredrik Palmkron commented over 4 years ago: show rawStatus - Results: 249
Status - Results: 249