Protonym: Solenopsis (Solenops) weyeri
Authorship Karavaiev, 1930a: 207, fig. 1
Forms w.q.
Bioregion Australasia
Locality INDONESIA (Ambon)
Primary type information Primary type material: 10 syntype minor workers, syntype queens (number not stated). Primary type locality: Indonesia: Ambon (F. Weyer). Primary type depositories: SIZK, ZIUT.
Type notes Kostyuk, 1976: 97, cites 7 worker, 3 queen syntypes in SIZK.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Carebara weyeri Species Valid
Solenopsis weyeri Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Carebara weyeri (Karavaiev, 1930)
Original combination