Protonym: Cataglyphis flavobrunneus
Authorship Collingwood & Agosti, 1996: 378, fig. 41
Forms w.
Bioregion Palearctic
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Oman: Minitirib, 18.ii.1986 (W. Büttiker). Primary type depository: unknown (probably WMLC, perhaps also NARC, NCSU, NHMB, ONHM).
Secondary type information Secondary type material: paratype workers (number not stated). Secondary type localities: paratypes: with same data as holotype; Oman: Qarn al-Alam, 31.v.1984 (M.D. Gallagher); Oman: Dhabdhub, 29.v.1986 (M.D. Gallagher); Oman: Sur Creek, 26.ix.1986 (M.D. Gallagher); Oman: Ras al-Hadd, 21.ii.1992 (M.D. Gallagher); Saudi Arabia: Jeddah, 19.ii.1978 (W. Büttiker); United Arab Emirates: Djebel Haffete, x.1989 (H. Heatwole); United Arab Emirates: Ras Ghanada, ix.1992 (B. Tigar); Yemen: Aden, 5.xi.1988 (H. Wranik). Secondary type depository: unknown (probably WMLC, perhaps also NARC, NCSU, NHMB, ONHM).
Type notes 1) The lectotype worker and 8 paralectotype workers designated by Sharaf et al., 2015: 110, are redundant. The lectotype and paralectotypes chosen (NHMB) were from Saudi Arabia: Jeddah, 7.v.1978 (W. Büttiker), which do not come from the original type-series where the only Jeddah material mentioned is dated 19.ii.1978. 2) Collingwood & Agosti, 1996: 301, say “All type material is housed in NHMB and duplicates placed in appropriate institutes and museums of the contributing countries”; this apparently was never done.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Cataglyphis flavobrunnea Species Valid Original combination
Cataglyphis flavobrunneus Species Unavailable misspelling
a misspelling of Cataglyphis flavobrunnea Collingwood & Agosti, 1996