Protonym: Cryptocerus (Cryptocerus) inaequalis
Authorship Mann, 1916: 449
Forms w.
Bioregion Neotropic
Locality BRAZIL (Rondônia)
Primary type information Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Kempf, 1951: 163). Type localities: Brazil: Mato Grosso (now Rondônia), Abuná, 1911, (Stanford Expd.) (W.M. Mann), Brazil: Mato Grosso (now Rondônia), Madeira-Mamoré Railroad Company Camp 41, 1911, (Stanford Expd.) (W.M. Mann & Baker). Primary type depository: MCZC.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 3 paralectotype workers. Type localities: Brazil: Mato Grosso (now Rondônia), Abuná, 1911, (Stanford Expd.) (W.M. Mann), Brazil: Mato Grosso (now Rondônia), Madeira-Mamoré Railroad Company Camp 41, 1911, (Stanford Expd.) (W.M. Mann & Baker). Secondary type depository: MCZC.
Type notes 1) Mann, 1916 originally described the species from 4 syntype workers from two localities, “Abuná and Madeira-Mamoré”. 2) Kempf, 1951: 163, included both localities in his lectotype data. 3) De Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999: 227, do not mention the lectotype and refer only to 1 syntype worker, from Abuná, in MCZC.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Cephalotes inaequalis Species Valid
Cryptocerus inaequalis Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Cephalotes inaequalis (Mann, 1916)
Original combination