Protonym: Cryptocerus (Cyathocephalus) prodigiosus
Authorship Santschi, 1921h: 124
Forms s.q.
Bioregion Neotropic
Locality ARGENTINA (Santiago del Estero)
Primary type information Primary type material: 2 syntype soldiers, 2 syntype queens. Primary type localities: 1 soldier, 1 queen Argentina: Santiago del Estero, banks of Río Salado, vic. Icaño (E.R. Wagner); 1 soldier, 1 queen Argentina: Santiago del Estero, Río Dulce (E. Le Moult). Primary type depositories: MNHN, NHMB.
Type notes De Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999: 675, report that the lectotype soldier designated by Kempf, 1964b: 252 (in NHMB) cannot be found. Perhaps it was never labelled because De Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999: 677, report 2 soldiers, 1 queen as examined syntypes. Material is therefore all retained here as syntypes.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Cephalotes prodigiosus Species Valid
Cryptocerus prodigiosus Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Cephalotes prodigiosus (Santschi, 1921)
Original combination