Protonym: Phyracaces dumbletoni
Authorship Wilson, 1957a: 5, fig.
Forms w.eq.
Bioregion Australasia
Etymology This species is named after Mr. L. J. Dumbleton, formerly economic entomologist for the South Pacific Commission, and an expert student of the New Caledonian insect fauna.
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: New Caledonia: Chapeau Gendarme (Yahoué), no. 65 (E.O. Wilson). Primary type depository: MCZC or NHMB.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: paratype workers (number not stated, “a long series”), 1 paratype ergatoid queen. Secondary type locality: paratype workers (number not stated) with same data as for holotype, 1 paratype worker Mt Mou (E.O. Wilson), paratype workers (number not stated) Ciu, no. 245 (E.O. Wilson). Secondary type depository: BMNH. Secondary type specimen: CASENT0902763.
Type notes Ergatoid queen lost: Wilson, 1957a: 7.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Cerapachys dumbletoni Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Lioponera dumbletoni (Wilson, 1957)
Lioponera dumbletoni Species Valid
Phyracaces dumbletoni Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Lioponera dumbletoni (Wilson, 1957)
Original combination