Protonym: Crematogaster victima subsp. missuriensis
Authorship Emery, 1895d: 287
Forms w.
Bioregion Nearctic
Locality U.S.A. (Missouri)
Primary type information Primary type material: 2 syntype workers. Primary type locality: U.S.A.: Missouri (T. Pergande). Primary type depository: MSNG. Primary type specimen: MCZ-ENT20816.
Type notes Morgan & Mackay, 2017: 252, record a “syntype” from Texas (NHMW), but no such material is mentioned in the original description.
Notes Attributed to Pergande.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Crematogaster missouriensis Species Valid
Crematogaster victima missouriensis Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Crematogaster missouriensis Emery, 1895
Original combination
Crematogaster victima missuriensis Subspecies Unavailable misspelling
a misspelling of Crematogaster victima missouriensis Emery, 1895