Protonym: Atta didita
Authorship Walker, 1859: 375
Forms s.w.
Bioregion Indomalaya
Locality SRI LANKA
Primary type information Primary type material: 1 syntype major worker, 1 syntype minor worker. Primary type locality: Sri Lanka (“Ceylon”): (no further data) (F. Walker). Primary type depository: BMNH. Primary type specimens: CASENT0901501, CASENT0902012
Type notes The two specimens that Walker, 1859 describes as major and minor workers belong in different genera. The ‘minor worker’ is a Pheidole species (a specimen of Pheidole sharpi according to Donisthorpe, 1932b: 576); the ‘major worker’ belongs in Dilobocondyla. This taxonomic conundrum may be best resolved by regarding the ‘major worker’ as the lectotype, and excluding the ‘minor worker’ from further consideration.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Atta didita Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Dilobocondyla didita (Walker, 1859)
Original combination
Dilobocondyla didita Species Valid