Protonym: Rhopalothrix (Rhopalothrix) schmidti
Authorship Menozzi, 1936a: 82, figs. I 2-3, II, III
Forms w.q.l.
Bioregion Neotropic
Primary type information Primary type material: 15 syntype workers, 10 syntype queens, 7 syntype larvae. Primary type locality: Costa Rica: La Caja, 8 km. W San José (H. Schmidt). Primary type depositories: DEIB, EZGT, MCZC (perhaps also IEUB).
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Eurhopalothrix schmidti Species Valid
Rhopalothrix schmidti Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Eurhopalothrix schmidti (Menozzi, 1936)
Original combination