Protonym: Formica affinis
Authorship Schenck, 1852: 62
Forms w.q.m.
Bioregion Palearctic
Locality GERMANY
Primary type information Primary type material: syntype workers, syntype queens, syntype males (numbers not stated). Primary type locality: Germany: Nassau, Obersbach footpath, viii.(1851?) (C.F. Schenck). Primary type depository: SMFM (perhaps also UMPU (Wilson, 1955a: 165, Collingwood, 1963b: 145 (in text)).
Type notes 1) Seifert, 1990: 7, cites workers, 2 queens in SMFM, but “without collecting data or type-labels”. 2) Schenck’s Hymenoptera specimens originally in UMPU (Horn & Kahle, 1936: 242); later transferred to SMFM.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Chthonolasius affinis Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Lasius affinis (Schenck, 1852)
Formica affinis Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Lasius affinis (Schenck, 1852)
Original combination
Lasius affinis Species Homonym
homonym replaced by Lasius citrinus Emery, 1922
Lasius umbratus affinis Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Lasius affinis (Schenck, 1852)