Protonym: Myrmecia tridentata
Authorship Ogata & Taylor, 1991: 1651, figs. 36-38
Forms w.
Bioregion Australasia
Locality AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Australia: New South Wales, Mt Warning (28/153), Breakfast Creek, 1000 ft, 30.viii.1966, rainforest (B.B. Lowery). Primary type depository: ANIC.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 42 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: 33 paratype workers with same data as holotype, 9 paratype workers slopes W Mt Warning (28/153), 800 ft, 31.viii.1964 (B.B. Lowery). Secondary type depositories: AMSC, ANIC, BMNH, MCZC, MHNG. Secondary type specimen: CASENT0902795.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Myrmecia tridentata Species Valid Original combination