Protonym: Neivamyrmex longiscapus
Authorship Borgmeier, 1953: 27, figs. 4, 25, 26
Forms m.
Bioregion Neotropic
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype male. Primary type locality: Costa Rica: Santa Clara Prov., Hamburg farm, 22.v.1936, at light (F. Nevermann). Primary type depository: MZSP.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 16 paratype males. Secondary type locality: 4 paratype males with same data as holotype, 7 paratype males with same data as holotype but 10.v.1925, and (F. Nevermann), 1 paratype male with same locality but no. 198 (A. Reichensperger), 2 paratype males Guatemala: Cayuga (W. Schaus), 2 paratype males Guatemala: Trace (= Tres?) Aguas (O.F. Cook). Secondary type depositories: MZSP, USNM.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Neivamyrmex longiscapus Species Valid Original combination