Protonym: Labidus spinolae
Authorship Westwood, 1842: 77
Forms m.
Bioregion Neotropic
Locality BRAZIL (Goiás)
Primary type information Type-material: 2 syntype males. Type-localities: Brazil: Meia Ponte, 16.x.1827 (W. Burchell), and Caisara, 23.x.1827 (W. Burchell). Type-depository: OXUM.
Type notes Caisara[=Caiçara] is a district of the municipality of Faina, Goiás state.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Eciton spinolae Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Neivamyrmex spinolae (Westwood, 1842)
Labidus spinolae Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Neivamyrmex spinolae (Westwood, 1842)
Original combination
Neivamyrmex spinolae Species Homonym
homonym replaced by Neivamyrmex punctaticeps (Emery, 1894)