Protonym: Pachycondyla striata var. nitidiventris
Authorship Santschi, 1921g: 87
Forms w.
Bioregion Neotropic
Primary type information Primary type material: 2 syntype workers. Primary type localities: 1 worker Uruguay: Nueva Helvetia (von Steiger), 1 worker Brazil: “Bolivian frontier” (Reichensperger). Primary type depository: NHMB.
Type notes MacKay & MacKay, 2010: 527, report 4 syntypes (“cotypes”) in NHMB, but the original description specifically states one worker from each locality. Baroni Urbani, 1973b: 134, reports only a single specimen in NHMB.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Pachycondyla striata nitidiventris Subspecies Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pachycondyla striata Smith, 1858
Original combination