Authorship | Pergande, 1893: 33 |
Forms | w.q. |
Bioregion | Nearctic |
Locality | MEXICO (Baja California) |
Primary type information | Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated, “many”), 2 syntype queens. Primary type locality: Mexico: Baja California, San Esteban, Calmalli Mines (G. Eisen & C.D. Haines). Primary type depository: USNM. Primary type specimens: CASTYPE00625, CASTYPE00626, CASENT0904116. |
Pogonomyrmex badius estebanius | Subspecies |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Pogonomyrmex californicus estebanius Pergande, 1893
Original combination |
Pogonomyrmex californicus estebanius | Subspecies |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pogonomyrmex californicus (Buckley, 1867)