Protonym: Formica (Proformica) kusnezowi
Authorship Santschi, 1928b: 43
Forms w.
Bioregion Palearctic
Primary type information Primary type material: syntype major and minor workers (number not stated). Primary type localities: Kyrgyzstan (“Turkestan russe”): Ssemiretschie, Buamm Gorge, 17.vii.1924 (N. Kusnezow), Kyrgyzstan (“Turkestan russe”): Suzak, Kera-tau Mts, 3.vii.1923 (N. Kusnezow). Primary type depository: NHMB.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Formica kusnezowi Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Proformica kusnezowi (Santschi, 1928)
Original combination
Proformica kusnezowi Species Valid