Protonym: Rogeria lirata
Authorship Kugler, 1994: 43, figs. 28-30, 89-90
Forms w.q.
Bioregion Neotropic
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Colombia: 7 km. N Leticia, 10-25.ii.1972, #B-230, forest litter (S. & J. Peck). Primary type depository: MCZC.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 9 paratype workers. Secondary type localities: 3 paratype workers Trinidad: (no further data), #191 (N.A. Weber), 1 paratype worker Trinidad: Mayaro, Trinity Hills Reserve, 5.viii.1976 (J. Noyes), 1 paratype worker Guyana: R. Mazaruni Forest Settlement, 20.viii.1935, #304 (N.A. Weber), 2 paratype workers Colombia: (no further data), 2 paratype workers Peru: Loreto Dept., 15 km. WSW Yurimaguas, 5.59S, 76.13W, 200 m., 22.vii.1986, #8701-24 and 8701-25 (P.S. Ward). Secondary type depositories: BMNH, CKCR, LACM, MCZC, MZSP.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Rogeria lirata Species Valid Original combination