Authorship | Santschi, 1923c: 257 |
Forms | s.w. |
Bioregion | Neotropic |
Locality | ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires) |
Primary type information | Primary type material: 4 syntype workers. Primary type locality: Argentina: La Plata (C. Bruch). Primary type depository: NHMB. |
Type notes | 1) Mônica Antunes Ulysséa: Santschi, 1923c indicates "La Plata" as the type locality, and informs a number (not stated) of workers from "Buenos-Ayres, Sierra Ventana". MZSP houses 2 workers from Sierra Ventana labeled as cotype. Additionally, the Borgmeier's handwritten catalog (#3824) indicates these specimens are "Type" received from Santschi. 2) Pacheco & Mackay, 2013: 159, cite 5 worker “cotypes” from Argentina: Alta Gracia, in MCZC, but this locality is not mentioned in the original description. |
Solenopsis nigella prevalens | Subspecies |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Solenopsis gensterblumi Forel, 1901
Original combination |