Protonym: Solenopsis robusta
Authorship Bernard, 1950a: 12
Forms s.w.
Bioregion Palearctic
Locality FRANCE
Primary type information Primary type material: 2 syntype major workers, 2 syntype minor workers. Primary type locality: France: Var, Chataigniers de Gonfaron woods, ca 500 m., ix.1946 (F. Bernard). Primary type depository: MNHN.
Type notes 1) Bernard, 1950a says other syntypes are stored in alcohol. 2) Galkowski et al., 2010: 160, cite 12 worker syntypes in MNHN but date them viii.1947, at variance with the published date.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Solenopsis robusta Species Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Solenopsis fugax (Latreille, 1798)
Original combination