Protonym: Arotropus binodosus
Authorship Provancher, 1881a: 206, figs. 32, 33
Forms m.
Bioregion Nearctic
Locality CANADA
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype male. Primary type locality: Canada: (no further data) (L. Provancher). Primary type depository: LUQC.
Type notes 1) The holotype was misprinted with a queen symbol in the original description, but was actually a male (Provancher, 1887: 240, 241). 2) Lectotype designation of a worker by Gahan & Rohwer, 1917a: 306, is set aside as no worker was represented in the original description. 3) Lectotype male designation by Francoeur & Béique, 1966a: 141, appears unnecessary as Provancher, 1881a initially described only a single specimen. 4) Type locality was probably Québec, Cap Rouge (Provancher, 1887: 241).
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Arotropus binodosus Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Stigmatomma binodosus (Provancher, 1881)
Original combination
Stigmatomma binodosus Species Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Stigmatomma pallipes (Haldeman, 1844)