Authorship | Santschi, 1913b: 258 (diagnosis in key) |
Forms | w.q. |
Bioregion | Afrotropic |
Locality | KENYA |
Primary type information | Primary type material: 2 syntype workers, 1 syntype queen. Primary type locality: Kenya (“Afrique orientale anglaise”): (no further data). Primary type depository: NHMB. Primary type specimen: CASENT0912842. |
Type notes | Santschi, 1914b: 111, gives type locality as Kenya (“Afrique orientale anglaise”): coastal region, Likoni, xi.1911, st. 4 (Ch. Alluaud & R. Jeannel), but syntype labels have Cheteni, xi.1911, st. 4 (Ch. Alluaud & R. Jeannel). |
Strumigenys biconvexa | Species |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Strumigenys simoni Emery, 1895
Original combination |