Protonym: Strumigenys chareta
Authorship Bolton, 2000: 957
Forms w.
Bioregion Australasia
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: New Caledonia: Sud, Nouméa, Riv. Bleue, 22.xi.1995, RB10L, NC95-026 (L. Deharveng & A. Bedos). Primary type depository: BMNH.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 4 paratype workers. Secondary type localities: 1 paratype worker with same data as holotype, 1 paratype worker New Caledonia: Mt Koghis, 450 m., 18.ii.1977, 22.11°S, 166.31°E, leaf litter berlesate, #2255-2 (P.S. Ward), 2 paratype workers with same data but 750 m., 12.ii.1977, moss forest, #2247-3. Secondary type depositories: ANIC, BMNH, UCDC.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Strumigenys chareta Species Valid Original combination