Protonym: Heteroponera wilsoni
Authorship Taylor, 2015b: 165, figs. 1, 18-21
Forms w.
Bioregion Australasia
Locality AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Australia: Queensland, Devils Thumb area, -16 34, 145 17 (10 km. NW Mossman), 9-10.x.1982, QMBA berlesate 455 (G.B. Monteith, D.K. Yeates & G.I. Thompson). Primary type depository: ANIC.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 2 paratype workers. Secondary type localities: 1 paratype worker with same data but QMBA berlesate 459, 1180 m., 10.x.1982, 1 paratype worker with same data but QMBA pyrethrum knockdown, 1000-1180 m., 10.x.1982. Secondary type depositories: ANIC, QMBA.
Type notes Other localities are also provided, but there is no statement concerning which are paratypes, and no statement that all are paratypes; therefore only those from the type locality are cited here.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Heteroponera wilsoni Species Valid Original combination