Protonym: Tetramorium nama
Authorship Hawkes, 2020: 59, figs. 1A-C, 2A, 3
Forms w.
Bioregion Afrotropic
Etymology nama refers to the local Nama people who, together with SANParks, jointly manage the Richtersveld National Park. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition and is thus invariant.
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: South Africa: Northern Cape Prov., Namakwa, Richtersveld Nat. Park, 28.05795S, 17.11256E ±100 m., 65 ±10 m., 12-18.ix.2019, ODM2019-T8-1, pitfall trap (P.G. Hawkes, D. Molenaar & R.N. Ungerer). Primary type depository: SAMC. Primary type specimen: CASENT0818990.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 7 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: same as for holotype. Secondary type depositories: AFRC, BMNH, CASC, SAMC. Secondary type specimens: CASENT0818735, CASENT0818736, CASENT0818991, CASENT0818992, CASENT0818993, CASENT0818994, CASENT0819639.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Tetramorium nama Species Valid Original combination