Authorship |
Prebus, 2021b:
57 (in key), 224, figs. 121D, 125
Forms |
w.dq.m. |
Bioregion |
Neotropic |
Locality |
Etymology |
Morphological, from the Latin ‘rutabulum’ (= ladle) + ‘-fer’ (= bearing), in reference to the shape of the petiole. |
Primary type information |
Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Cuba: Cienfuegos, Soledad, 20.xi.1927 (W.S. Creighton). Type-depository: USNM. Type-specimen: CASENT0758266 (middle specimen on pin). |
Secondary type information |
Paratype-material: 40 paratype workers, 1 paratype dealate queen, 1 paratype male. Paratype-locality: 2 paratype workers (top and bottom specimens on pin) with same data as holotype (on same pin as holotype); 38 paratype workers, 1 paratype dealate queen, 1 paratype male with same data as holotype. Paratype-depositories and specimens: MCZC: MCZENT00581833 (workers); USNM: CASENT0758266 (top and bottom specimens on same pin as holotype), CASENT0758230 (worker, queen, male), CASENT0758277 to CASENT0758289 (workers). |