Protonym: Hylomyrma primavesi
Authorship Ulysséa, 2021: 94, figs. 62, 80J, 88
Forms w. w-q. intercaste
Bioregion Neotropic
Locality BRAZIL (Minas Gerais)
Etymology The epithet primavesi is a non-Latin proper noun used in apposition. This species is named in honor of Ana Maria Primavesi (1920–2020).
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Brazil: MG[Minas Gerais]: Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, APA[Environmental Protection Area] Morro da Pedreira, 19°17′50.11″S, 43°35′39.69″W, 1300m, 16.i.2012, campo rupestre, pitfall-solo, Q16-X-V-4[Area code - Xeric environment - Transect number - Point number] (T.C. Lana). Primary type depository: MZSP. Primary type specimen: MZSP67412.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 5 paratype workers, 23 paratype worker-queen intercastes. Secondary type localities: 1 paratype worker with same data as holotype except abril/2011, Q16-X-VI-2; 1 paratype intercaste with same data as holotype except Q16-X-VI-4; 1 paratype intercaste with same data as holotype except abril/2013, Q16-X-V-4; 1 paratype intercaste with same data as holotype except 19°13′48.89″S, 43°34′35.19″W, 1100m, x.2011, C11-X-I-2; 1 paratype intercaste with same data as holotype except C11-X-I-4; 1 paratype worker PARNA[National Park] Serra do Cipó, 19°15′49.92″S, 43°32′04.35″W, 1400m, 25-30.iv.2011, AP-X-III-1, pitfall-solo; same data as previous except: 1 paratype intercaste AP-X-III-2, 1 paratype intercaste AP-X-III-3, 1 paratype intercaste jul/2011, AP-X-III-2, 1 paratype intercaste AP-X-II-3, 2 paratype intercastes x.2011, AP-X-III-4, 1 paratype intercaste i.2012, AP-X-III-1, 1 paratype intercaste AP-X-III-3, 1 paratype intercaste AP-X-III-4, 1 paratype worker iv.2012, AP-X-III-1, 1 paratype worker AP-X-III-2, 1 paratype intercaste AP-X-III-3, 1 paratype worker julho/2012, AP-X-III-2, 1 paratype intercaste AP-X-III-4, 1 paratype intercaste x.2012, AP-X-III-2, 1 paratype intercaste janeiro/2013, AP-X-III-1, 2 paratype intercastes AP-X-III-2, 2 paratype intercastes AP-X-III-3, 1 paratype intercaste abril/2013, AP-X-III-3, 1 paratype intercaste julho/2013, APX-III-4. Secondary type depositories: CASC, DZUP, IHVL, JTLC, MCZC, MZSP, USNM. Secondary type specimens: MZHY60, MZSP67413 to MZSP67428.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Hylomyrma primavesi Species Valid Original combination