Protonym: Eotemnothorax rhytidus
Authorship Radchenko, 2024c: 737, figs 5E–F, 10C
Forms w.
Locality POLAND (Baltic Amber, Eocene), UKRAINE (Rovno Amber, Eocene)
Etymology From Greek ρυτίς (rytis) – ruga, which means the character of the body sculpture of this species.
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Poland: Baltic amber, late Eocene, Priabonian age, 37.8–33.9 Ma. Primary type depository: LIB. Primary type specimen: 4943 (CCGG 6787).
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 1 paratype worker. Secondary type locality: Ukraine: Rivne Prov., Rovno amber, late Eocene, Priabonian age, 37.8-33.9 Ma. Secondary type depository: MKHC.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Eotemnothorax rhytidus Species Valid Original combination