Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Neivamyrmex piraticus Borgmeier, 1953 37, figs. 13, 18 m. BRAZIL (São Paulo, Paraná, Espirito Santo)
Neivamyrmex planidens Borgmeier, 1953 31, figs. 21, 28, 29 m. ECUADOR
Neivamyrmex postcarinatus Borgmeier, 1953 43, figs. 34, 35 w. PANAMA (Barro Colorado)
Neivamyrmex puerulus Borgmeier, 1955 591, pl. 56, fig. 9; pl. 75, fig. 4 m. PANAMA
Neivamyrmex pulchellus Borgmeier, 1955 595, pl. 56, fig. 7 m. PANAMA
Neivamyrmex pullus Borgmeier, 1953 42, fig. 17 m. PANAMA (Barro Colorado)
Neivamyrmex quadratoocciputus Watkins, 1975c 207, figs. 1-6 m. EL SALVADOR
Neivamyrmex rugulosus Borgmeier, 1953 49 w. MEXICO (Jalisco, Nayarit)
Neivamyrmex scutellaris Borgmeier, 1953 28, fig. 6 m. PANAMA
Neivamyrmex tenuis Borgmeier, 1953 36 m. BRAZIL (Mato Grosso)
Neivamyrmex texanus Watkins, 1972 353, figs. 2-4, 11, 14, 17-19, 33, 34, 49, 61 w.eq.m. U.S.A. (Texas)
Neivamyrmex vicinus Borgmeier, 1953 35, fig. 24 m. BRAZIL (Goiás)
Neivamyrmex wilsoni Snelling & Snelling, 2007 492, figs. 16, 26, 48, 61, 74, 87 w. U.S.A. (California)
Nematocrema Santschi, 1918d 182 [as subgenus of Crematogaster]
Neoamblyopone Wheeler, 1927c 1 (in text) [as subgenus of Amblyopone]
Neoatta Gonçalves, 1942 346 [as subgenus of Atta]
Neoattini Kusnezov, 1956a 22 Authorship also Kusnezov, 1964: 62 [as subdivision of tribe Attini]
Neoblepharidatta Sheela & Narendran, 1997 88
Neoblepharidatta nayana Sheela & Narendran, 1997 89, figs. 1-4 s. INDIA (Kerala)
Neocerapachys Borowiec, 2016 180
Neoclystopsenella Kurian, 1955 133
Neoclystopsenella luffae Kurian, 1955 133, figs. 249-255 m. INDIA (National Capital Territory)
Neocolobopsis Borgmeier, 1928b 65 [as subgenus of Camponotus]
Neocrema Santschi, 1918d 182 [as subgenus of Crematogaster]
Neoforelius Kusnezov, 1953c 327
Neoforelius tucumanus Kusnezov, 1953c 330, figs. 1-12 w.m. ARGENTINA (Tucumán)
Neoformica Wheeler, 1913a 82 [as subgenus of Formica]
Neomyrma Forel, 1914a 275 [as subgenus of Aphaenogaster]
Neomyrmamblys Wheeler, 1921a 19 (in text) [as subgenus of Camponotus]
Neophyracaces Clark, 1941b 76
Neophyracaces gwynethae Clark, 1941b 77, pl. 13, figs. 6, 7 w.m. AUSTRALIA (Victoria)
Neophyracaces macrops Clark, 1941b 79, pl. 13, fig. 8 w. AUSTRALIA (Victoria)
Neophyracaces piliventris Clark, 1941b 80, pl. 13, fig. 9 w. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Neophyracaces potteri Clark, 1941b 76, pl. 13, figs. 4, 5 w.m. AUSTRALIA (Victoria)
Neoponera Emery, 1901b 43
Neoponera (Eumecopone) agilis Forel, 1901j 336 w. U.S.A. (California)
Neoponera (Eumecopone) golbachi Kusnezov, 1969 36 w. ARGENTINA (Misiones)
Neoponera (Eumecopone) goyana Borgmeier, 1937b 230, figs. 11-14 w. BRAZIL (Goiás)
Neoponera (Neoponera) bakeri Mann, 1916 411, pl. 1, fig. 9 w.q. BRAZIL (Rondônia)
Neoponera (Neoponera) cavinodis Mann, 1916 414, pl. 2, fig. 14 w. BRAZIL (Rondônia)
Neoponera apicalis var. verenae Forel, 1922b 90 w. PANAMA
Neoponera carinulata subsp. gibbinota Forel, 1909a 246 w. GUATEMALA
Neoponera crenata r. fiebrigi Forel, 1912d 37 w. PARAGUAY
Neoponera crenata st. confusa Santschi, 1921g 86 w. BRAZIL (Minas Gerais)
Neoponera crenata st. confusa var. lata Santschi, 1921g 86 w. ARGENTINA (Formosa)
Neoponera crenata st. moesta var. subcarinata Santschi, 1939e 313 w. BRAZIL (Santa Catarina)
Neoponera emiliae Forel, 1901k 349 w. VENEZUELA
Neoponera goeldii Forel, 1912d 36 w. BRAZIL (Amazonas)
Neoponera gojira Troya & Lattke, 2022 37, figs. 19, 29a w. BRAZIL (Minas Gerais)
Neoponera laevinodis André, 1902 14 w.q. PERU