Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Solenopsis clarki Crawley, 1922e 16 s.w. AUSTRALIA (Western Australia)
Solenopsis cleptis Mann, 1919 330 w. SOLOMON IS (San Cristobal)
Solenopsis cleptis var. vitiensis Mann, 1921 444 w. FIJI IS (Viti Levu)
Solenopsis cleptomana Santschi, 1914b 80 w. KENYA
Solenopsis clytemnestra Emery, 1896g 87 w. BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul)
Solenopsis clytemnestra r. bruchi Forel, 1912h 6 w.m. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis clytemnestra r. orestes Forel, 1903e 256 w.m. BRAZIL (Ceará)
Solenopsis clytemnestra r. orestes var. tucumana Forel, 1914d 278 w. ARGENTINA (Tucumán)
Solenopsis clytemnestra r. strangulata Forel, 1913m 221 w. BRAZIL (Minas Gerais)
Solenopsis clytemnestra var. leda Forel, 1913m 221 w. BRAZIL (Rio de Janeiro)
Solenopsis conjurata Wheeler, 1925e 178, fig. 4 w. PANAMA (Barro Colorado I.) Not fig. 8; the drawings of fig. 4 and fig. 8 are transposed in the publication.
Solenopsis cooperi Donisthorpe, 1947f 110 q.m. EGYPT
Solenopsis corticalis Forel, 1881 13 w.q. VIRGIN IS (St Thomas I.)
Solenopsis corticalis r. amazonensis Forel, 1904f 680 w.q. PERU
Solenopsis corticalis subsp. margotae Forel, 1908 364 w.q. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Solenopsis corticalis var. binotata Mann, 1920b 428 w. CUBA
Solenopsis corticalis var. virgula Forel, 1904e 172 w. CUBA
Solenopsis crivellarii Menozzi, 1936b 284, fig. 10 w. GREECE (Scarpanto I.)
Solenopsis dahlii Forel, 1901c 14 w.q.m. NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago)
Solenopsis debilis Mayr, 1886d 461 w.q.m. U.S.A. (District of Columbia, New Jersey, Virginia)
Solenopsis decipiens Emery, 1906c 126, fig. 8 w.q.m. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis decipiens r. abjecta var. ignobilis Forel, 1913m 220 w. BRAZIL (Santa Catarina)
Solenopsis decipiens subsp. abjecta Emery, 1906c 128, fig. 10 w. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis decipiens subsp. abjecta var. abjectior Forel, 1909a 266 w. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis decipiens var. scelesta Forel, 1908 364 w. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Solenopsis dentata Collingwood & Kugler, 1994 120, figs. 1-9 w.q.m. ISRAEL
Solenopsis deserticola Ruzsky, 1905b 515 q.m. UZBEKISTAN
Solenopsis duboscqui Bernard, 1950a 10, figs. 2, 9 w.m. FRANCE
Solenopsis dysderces Snelling, 1975 2, figs. 1, 2 w. CHILE
Solenopsis edouardi var. bahiaensis [sic] Santschi, 1925d 237 w. BRAZIL (Bahia), VENEZUELA Note: edouardi is a misspelling of Solenopsis eduardi.
Solenopsis edouardi var. perversa [sic] Santschi, 1925b 13 s.w.q. BRAZIL (Pernambuco)
Solenopsis eduardi Forel, 1912h 12 w. COLOMBIA
Solenopsis elhawagryi Sharaf & Aldawood, 2012a 4, figs. 1-20 SAUDI ARABIA
Solenopsis emeryi subsp. banyulensis Bernard, 1950a 10 w.q.m. FRANCE
Solenopsis enigmatica Deyrup & Prusak, 2008 71, figs. 1, 2 w.q. DOMINICA
Solenopsis exigua Forel, 1893j 395 w. ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES (St Vincent I.)
Solenopsis foersteri Théobald, 1937a 203, pl. 14, fig. 5 m. GERMANY (Oligocene)
Solenopsis franki Forel, 1908 364 w. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Solenopsis franki subsp. idae Forel, 1908 365 w. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Solenopsis froggatti Forel, 1913h 187 w. AUSTRALIA (Tasmania)
Solenopsis fugax st. africana Santschi, 1914b 81 w.m. KENYA
Solenopsis fugax subsp. emesus Tohmé & Tohmé, 1980b 135, fig. 5 w.q. SYRIA, LEBANON
Solenopsis fugax subsp. karaki Tohmé & Tohmé, 1980b 134, fig. 4 w.m. SYRIA
Solenopsis fugax subsp. orientalis Ruzsky, 1905b 509, figs. 111, 112 w.q.m. KAZAKHSTAN
Solenopsis fugax subsp. orientalis var. kasalinensis Ruzsky, 1905b 513 w. KAZAKHSTAN
Solenopsis fugax var. japonica Wheeler, 1928d 113 w. JAPAN
Solenopsis fugax var. kasalinensis Emery, 1909a 31 w. KAZAKHSTAN
Solenopsis fusciventris Clark, 1934c 62, pl. 4, fig. 21 w. AUSTRALIA (Victoria)
Solenopsis gayi var. fazi Santschi, 1923c 261 w. CHILE
Solenopsis geminata r. pylades Forel, 1904e 172 q. MEXICO