This reference section belongs to Formicidae Latreille, 1802




Heer, 1849: 1 (Miocene ants, Germany and Croatia); Mayr, 1867b: 47 (Miocene ants Croatia); Emery, 1891b: 141 (Sicilian Amber); Scudder, 1891: 682 (fossil taxa catalogue); André, 1895b: 80 (Baltic Amber); Emery, 1905e: 187 (Baltic Amber); Handlirsch, 1907: 859 (fossil taxa catalogue); Wheeler, 1915i: 1 (Baltic amber fauna synopsis); Théobald, 1937a: 127 (fossil ants France); Burnham, 1979: 108 (fossils in amber checklist); Keilbach, 1982: 272 (fossils in amber checklist); Spahr, 1987: 41 (fossils in amber checklist); Brandão et al., 1990: 201 (oldest fossil record); Carpenter, 1992: 490 (fossil genera review); Bolton, 1995b: 4 (fossil taxa checklist); Grimaldi et al., 1997: 1 (Cretaceous genera in amber); Dlussky, 1997a: 617 (Baltic amber genera key); Hong, 2002: 524 (Chinese Amber); Bolton, 2003: 73 (fossil subfamilies synopsis); Grimaldi & Engel, 2005: 440 (fossil ants synopsis); Dlussky & Rasnitsyn, 2007: 118 (Palaeontological record); Perrichot et al., 2008: 85 (Cretaceous ants review); Dlussky & Rasnitsyn, 2009: 1024 (European Upper Eocene amber, synopsis of species); LaPolla et al., 2013: 609 (Mesozoic and Cenozoic major ant fossil deposits list, Cretaceous and Cenozoic ant fossils bibliographical review); Dlussky & Perfilieva, 2014: 433 (Bembridge Marls (Eocene, U.K.) species, key); Dlussky & Putyatina, 2014: 237 (Miocene ants Croatia); Dlussky et al., 2015: 131 (Late Eocene of Sikhote-Alin fossils); Perkovsky, 2016: 113 (list of ants in Late Eocene ambers); Barden & Grimaldi, 2016: 515 (Cretaceous stem-group ants and phylogeny); Perrichot et al., 2016: 1468 (Cretaceous, morphology and ecology); Barden, 2017: 1, 7 (Mesozoic fossil ants synopsis, list of fossil ant deposits and their contents); Zheng et al., 2018: 1 (subfamily records from Late Cretaceous burmite); Barden & Engel, 2019: 1 (broad-perspective review of fossil record); Perrichot et al., 2020: 1 (†Haidomyrmecinae); Barden et al., 2020: 3818 (morphospace); Boudinot et al., 2020: 27 (synopsis, key to Mesozoic Formicoidea); Radchenko & Perkovsky, 2021: 47 (Bitterfield syninclusions; tropical, Holarctic elements of Baltic ambers); Perrichot et al., 2022: 775 (Miocene ants from Ethiopian amber); Sawh et al., 2023: 139 (first fossil replete ant worker (Leptomyrmex neotropicus)); Loewen et al., 2024: 1; Córdova-Tabares et al., 2024: 435 (Oligo-Miocene spider-ant predation).