This reference section belongs to Formicidae Latreille, 1802
Janet, 1895a: 691 (Myrmica strigil); Gennerich, 1922: 26 (strigil); Dashman, 1953: 56 (general pretarsal terminology); Freeland et al., 1982: 257 (arolium presence across Formicidae); Schönitzer & Lawitzky, 1986: 189 (antenna cleaning apparatus ultrastructure); Schönitzer & Lawitzky, 1987: (antenna cleaning apparatus Aculeata comparison); Francoeur & Loiselle, 1988a: 333 (strigil, evolution); Hashimoto, 1991b: 289 (tibial spurs); Basibuyuk & Quicke, 1994: 205 (Dorylus strigil); Basibuyuk & Quicke, 1995: 171, 176 (antenna cleaning apparatus); Basibuyuk & Quickle, 1999: 349 (grooming, tarsus, tibial spur morphology); Basibuyuk et al., 2000: 625 (manubrium, manubrial sensillae); Federle et al., 2000: 505 (comparative attachment capacities); Federle et al., 2001: 6215 (pretarsal anatomy, functional morphology); Orivel et al., 2001: 449 (Ponerinae pretarsal morphology); Federle et al., 2002: 1100 (Oecophylla smaragdina aroliar wet adhesion); Schulmeister, 2003: 156 (Cataglyphis tarsal plantulae); Böröczky et al., 2013: 3616 (Camponotus pennsylvanicus grooming); Federle et al., 2004: 67 (Oecophylla smaragdina arolium biomechanics); Federle & Endlein, 2004: 67 (Oecophylla smaragdina arolium control); Endlein & Federle, 2015: e0141269 (Oecophylla smaragdina arolium, distal tarsal brush); Hackmann et al., 2015: (functional morphology antenna cleaner); Billen et al., 2017: 24 (Brachyponera sennaarensis, Daceton armigerum pretarsus, climbing ability); Beutel et al., 2020: 1 (Formica tarsal anatomy, grooming and attachment structures); Billen et al., 2021: 1 (basitarsal sulcus gland)