Title The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M.A. Volume 4. No. XI. Fourmis des Seychelles et des Aldabras, reçues de M. Hugh Scott.
Pagination 159-167
Year 1912l
Date 1912-09
Type Article reference
Bolton key Forel 1912k
Journal Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology
Series/volume/issue (2)15
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Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Atopomyrmex scotti Forel, 1912l 160 Species Obsolete combination Original combination
Camponotus foraminosus aldabrensis fryeri Forel, 1912l 166 Infrasubspecies Unavailable Original combination
Camponotus thomasseti Forel, 1912l 166 Species Valid Original combination
Platythyrea wroughtonii sechellensis Forel, 1912l 159 Subspecies Synonym Original combination
Strumigenys scotti Forel, 1912l 159 Species Valid Original combination
Terataner scotti Forel, 1912l 160 Species Valid
Tetramorium striatidens felix Forel, 1912l 160 Subspecies Synonym
Triglyphothrix striatidens felix Forel, 1912l 160 Subspecies Obsolete combination Original combination
Vollenhovia piroskae Forel, 1912l 162 Species Valid Original combination