Pierce, W. D.; Gibron, S. J. 1962. Fossil arthropods of California. 24. Some unusual fossil arthropods from the Calico Mountains nodules. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 61:143-151. PDF
Title Fossil arthropods of California. 24. Some unusual fossil arthropods from the Calico Mountains nodules.
Pagination 143-151
Year 1962
Date 1962-10-24
Type Article reference
Bolton key
Journal Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences
Series/volume/issue 61
PDF link PDF
Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Camponotus juliae Pierce & Gibron, 1962 147, fig. 4 Species Obsolete combination
†Palaeosminthuridae Pierce & Gibron, 1962 146 Tribe Obsolete combination
†Palaeosminthurini Pierce & Gibron, 1962 146 Tribe Synonym
Palaeosminthurus Pierce & Gibron, 1962 146 Genus Unidentifiable
Palaeosminthurus juliae Pierce & Gibron, 1962 147, fig. 4 Species Unidentifiable Original combination