Wheeler, W. M. 1911g. A list of the type species of the genera and subgenera of Formicidae. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 21:157-175. PDF
Title A list of the type species of the genera and subgenera of Formicidae.
Pagination 157-175
Year 1911g
Date 1911-10-17
Type Article reference
Bolton key Wheeler W.M. 1911f
Journal Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Series/volume/issue 21
PDF link PDF
Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Cryptocerus (Zacryptocerus) Wheeler, 1911g 175 Subgenus Obsolete combination
Gnamptogenys cincinnum Wheeler, 1911g 164 Species Unavailable Original combination
Zacryptocerus Wheeler, 1911g 175 Genus Synonym