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Kubota, S.; Terayama, M. 1989 ("1988"). Ant fauna of Tokyo. (1) A list of ants collected at the parks. [In Japanese.]. Ari 16:14-16.
Notes: Date of publication from Onoyama & Terayama (1994:21). |
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Kubota, M. 1984b. Records of ants (4). [In Japanese.]. Ari 12:12.
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Kubota, M. 1989a ("1988"). Some informations for the identification of Japanese Pachycondyla. [Abstract.] [In Japanese.]. Ari 16:2-3.
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Kubota, M. 1989b ("1988"). Records of ants (5). [In Japanese.]. Ari 16:16.
Notes: Date of publication from Onoyama & Terayama (1994:20). |
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Kubota, M. 1977. Records of ants (1). [In Japanese.]. Ari 8:4.
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Kubota, M. 1983. Records of ants (3). [In Japanese.]. Ari 11:7-8.
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Shōgakkan 1974. Encyclopedia Genre Japonica. Volume 20. Animals. Tokyo: Shogakukan, 682 pp.
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Kubota, M. 1974. Ants. [In Japanese.]. Pp. 29-32 in: Shōgakkan 1974. Encyclopedia Genre Japonica. Volume 20. Animals. Tokyo: Shogakukan, 682 pp.
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Kubota, M. 1976. Dacetine ants from Ogasawara Islands. [In Japanese.]. Ari 7:4.
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Krzysztofiak, L. 1984. Mrówki (Hymenoptera, Formicoidea) Swietokrzyskiego Parku Narodowego. Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw) 28:309-323.
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Krzysztofiak, L. 1985. Rozmieszczenie i zageszczenie gniazd mrówek w Puszczy Augustowskiej (Pojezierze Mazurskie). Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw) 29:137-149.
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Kubota, M. 1971. A checklist of the ants of Japan. Odawara: published by the author, 34 pp.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Onoyama (1980) and Onoyama & Terayama (1994). |
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Krzysztofiak, A.; Krzysztofiak, L. 1989. Anomalie w budowie ciala robotnic Myrmica ruginodis Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Przeglad Zoologiczny 33:467-469.
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Krausse, A. H. 1926d. Über einige Formen der Formica rufa und exsecta. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift 20:264.
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Kremer, G.; Berndt, K. P. 1986. Zur Morphologie normaler und gynandromorpher Pharaoameisen Monomorium pharaonis (L.) (Hym. Formicidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift (N.F.)3:177-221.
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Krishna Ayyar, P. N. 1937. A new carton-building species of ant in south India. Crematogaster dohrni artifex, Mayr. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 39:291-308.
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Krombein, K. V. 1958. Date of publication, First supplement, Synoptic catalog of North American Hymenoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 60:266.
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Kroyer, H. N. 1846. Danmarks Fiske. Vol. 3. Kjobenhavn [= Copenhagen]: S. Triers, 1279 pp.
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Krausse, A. H. 1922c. Notizen über Leptothorax acervorum F. (Form.). Entomologisches Jahrbuch 31:152-153.
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Krausse, A. H. 1922d. Formica rufa pratensis incisa m. v. n. Entomologisches Jahrbuch 31:155.
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Krausse, A. H. 1926a. Formica rufa an Weidenkätzchen. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift 20:107-108.
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Krausse, A. H. 1926b. Waldameisen-Varietäten. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift 20:114-115.
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Krausse, A. H. 1926c. Formica rufa Aruncicola Menozzii m.f.n. Entomologische Zeitschrift 40:336.
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Krausse, A. H. 1911b. Formica-Arten auf Sardinien. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 30:168.
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Krausse, A. H. 1912a. Formica fusca var. glebaria Nyl. auf Sardinien. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 31:250.
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Krausse, A. H. 1912b. Eine neue Ameisenform von Sardinien (Pheidole pallidula v. n. Emeryi m.). Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift 6:169.
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