Zakharov, A. A. 1975. Evolution of the social mode of life in ants. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 54:861-872.
Notes: June issue. Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati"): 26 May 1975. |
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Zálesky, M. 1936. Dva pro Ceskoslovensko noví mravenci. Casopis Ceskoslovenské Spolecnosti Entomologické 33:67-69.
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Zálesky, M. 1932a. Formica exsecta pressilabris Nyl. v Podk. Rusi. Casopis Ceskoslovenské Spolecnosti Entomologické 29:52-53.
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Zálesky, M. 1932b. Dva dalsí rody podceledi Camponotinae Mayr (Form.) v Podkarpatské Rusi. Casopis Ceskoslovenské Spolecnosti Entomologické 29:53-54.
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Yasumatsu, K. 1941e. On the new habitat of Tapinoma indicum in Japan. [In Japanese.]. Mushi 14:11.
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Yang, X.; Wang, J.; Liu, J.; Wang, X. 1995. Studies on the karyotypes of chromosomes in 5 species of ants. [In Chinese.]. Zoological Research 16:352, 378, 383.
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Yano, M. 1909. Notes on ants. [In Japanese.]. Hakubutsu Tomo 9:79-80.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Okano (1989) and Onoyama & Terayama (1994). |
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Yano, M. 1931. On the ants taken at Shiroyama, Kagoshima-Ken. [In Japanese.]. Shiseki Meisho Tennen Kinenbutsu 6:273-277.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Onoyama (1976) and Onoyama & Terayama (1994). |
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Yano, M. 1910b. On Camponotus ligniperdus and Formica japonica. [In Japanese.]. Hakubutsu Tomo 10:51-53.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Okano (1989) and Onoyama & Terayama (1994). |
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Yano, M. 1911a. The genus Polyrhachis of Japan. [In Japanese.]. Dobutsugaku Zasshi (Zoological Magazine) 23:249-256.
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Yano, M. 1911c. On the ant called "kumaari" in Japan. [In Japanese.]. Hakubutsu Tomo 11:58-59.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Okano (1989) and Onoyama & Terayama (1994). |
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Yano, M. 1911d. Habitats of Polyrhachis lamellidens. [In Japanese.]. Hakubutsu Tomo 11:83.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Okano (1989) and Onoyama & Terayama (1994). |
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Yano, M. 1911e. On Strumigenys ants in Japan. [In Japanese.]. Hakubutsu Tomo 11:83-84.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Okano (1989) and Onoyama & Terayama (1994). |
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Yano, M. 1912a. On the slave-making ants and its allies in Japan. [In Japanese.]. Dobutsugaku Zasshi (Zoological Magazine) 24:121-130.
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Yano, M. 1912b. The number of species of ants. [In Japanese.]. Dobutsugaku Zasshi (Zoological Magazine) 24:362-363.
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Yano, M. 1912c. Ants of Japan. [In Japanese.]. Rigakukai 9:649-654.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Okano (1989:5). |
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Yano, M. 1912d. The scientific names of ants appeared in Japanese books of insects. [In Japanese.]. Dobutsugaku Zasshi (Zoological Magazine) 24:592-595.
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Yarrow, I. H. H. 1956. Formica rufa L. (Hym., Formicidae) in Oxfordshire. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 92:8.
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Yarrow, I. H. H. 1968. Sifolinia laurae Emery 1907, a workerless parasitic ant new to Britain (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomologist 101:236-240.
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Yarrow, I. H. H. 1954b. Formica exsecta Nylander (Hym., Formicidae) in the British Isles. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 90:183-185.
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Yarrow, I. H. H. 1955b. The British Strongylognathus (Hym., Formicidae). Journal of the Society for British Entomology 5:114-115.
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Yasumatsu, K. 1935. Further notes on the hymenopterous fauna of the Yaeyama Group. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 15:33-45.
Notes: Ants pp. 34, 36. |
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Yasumatsu, K. 1940a. Contributions to the hymenopterous fauna of Inner Mongolia and North China. Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 16:90-95.
Notes: Ants p. 91. |
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Yasumatsu, K. 1940e. Ants from Kyusyu. [In Japanese.]. Kyodo Shizen 5:1-5.
Notes: Not seen. Cited in Okano (1989) and Onoyama & Terayama (1994). |
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